
单词 corbin
释义 corbin Obs.
Also 4 corbun, -oun.
[OF. corbin, deriv. of corb, corp, corf:—L. corv-us raven: cf. L. corvīn-us adj.]
A raven.
a1225Ancr. R. 84 Þe bacbitare..bekeð mid his blake bile o cwike charoines ase þe þet is þes deofles corbin of helle.a1300Cursor M. 1892 (Cott.) For-þi men sais on messager Þat lengs lang to bring answare, He mai be cald, with right resun, An of messagers corbun.Ibid. 3332 (Cott.) Licknes to corbin [v.r. rauen] had he nan.1577–87Holinshed Chron. III. 858/2 Embroidered with Corbins fethers.
b. Comb. corbin-bone, the raven's bone, or lower end of the breast-bone of a deer. Cf. corbel n. 1.
a1425Bk. Hunting 1586 (Halliw.) Then take out the shoulders slitting anone The belly to the side to the corbin⁓bone.1828–40Tytler Hist. Scot. (1864) I. 310 To give..the quarre to the hounds, and the expected corbin bone to the raven.

