
单词 sorcerer
释义 sorcerer|ˈsɔːsərə(r)|
Also 6 sorserer, -ar, sosserer, Sc. socerar.
[f. prec. + -er.]
One who practises sorcery; a wizard, a magician.
α1526Tindale Acts xiii. 6 They founde a certayne sorserer.Ibid. 8 The sorserar Elemas..withstode them.1535Coverdale Isaiah ii. 6 Whether it be in Sorcerers..or in calkers of mens byrthes, wherof ye haue to many.a1548Hall Chron., Edw. IV, D iiij, Her frendes on the other syde sayd, that she was kept away, and her iorney empeched by Sorcerers and Necromanciers.1610Shakes. Temp. iii. ii. 49, I am subiect to a Tirant, A Sorcerer, that by his cunning hath cheated me Of the Island.1651Hobbes Leviath. iii. xxxii. 197 The works of the Egyptian Sorcerers..were great miracles.1727De Foe Syst. Magic i. i. (1840) 6 Certainly then they did not take those magicians to be..dealers with the Devil, and sorcerers.1769Blackstone Comm. IV. iv. 60 The civil law punishes with death not only the sorcerers themselves, but also those who consult them.1816Singer Hist. Cards 55 The Gipsies..exercised the craft of sorcerers.1848Gallenga Italy (1851) 415 The sway exercised by a sorcerer over the demon to whom he has bartered his soul.1865J. H. Ingraham Pillar of Fire (1872) 403 This was the place where the sorcerers and soothsayers held their mystic and fearful rites.
attrib.1888Z. A. Ragozin Media, Babylon, & Persia x. §8 (1891) 269 The Shamans or sorcerer-priests of many Turanian tribes.
β1552Abp. Hamilton Catech. (1884) 50 Quhen saevir thow..seikis for ony help at ony wytche, socerar, cowngerar.1596R. H. tr. Lavaterus's Ghostes & Spir. 28 There have bene many Magiciens, Sosserers, and Conjurers..who would easily counterfeit visions.
b. sorcerer's apprentice [tr. F. l'apprenti sorcier, the title of a symphonic poem by Paul Dukas (1897), after der zauberlehrling, a ballad by Goethe (1797)], one who, like the apprentice in the ballad with his spells, instigates processes which he is unable to control. Also attrib.
1952E. Coxhead Play Toward iii. 24 Of course there was always a sorcerer's-apprentice element in teaching: but of all their creations, Lance was surely not the one who should be getting out of hand.1966J. Aiken Trouble with Product X vi. 115, I wondered if his disciples, like the sorceror's [sic] apprentice, had not got out of control.1967Sunday Times 26 Feb. 2/3 The CIA is not a sorcerer's apprentice that has run wild, but..is under strict government control.1974Hawkey & Bingham Wild Card xiii. 116 Our first priority should be learning to live with the technology we have already, not acquiring more. Because, like the Sorcerer's Apprentice, we just ain't going to be able to handle it.

