
单词 sorn
释义 sorn, v. Sc.|sɔːn|
Also 6 soirn.
[f. sorren.]
1. trans. To trouble or harass by exacting free quarters and maintenance; to live upon. Obs.
1563Reg. Privy Council Scot. I. 248 The Clangregour..birnis and slayis the pouer liegis of this realme,..takis thair gudis, sornis and oppressis thame.1563–4Ibid. 271 That.. nane of thame sould sorne or oppres our Soverane Ladiis liegis dwelland within the boundis of Stratherne.1588–9Ibid. IV. 342 Eftir thay had soirned, wracked, and spoilled the saidis haill Illis, thay..rased fyre.
2. intr. To take up free quarters or exact maintenance unjustifiably; to sponge upon others for food or lodging.
c1575Balfour's Practicks (1754) 24 That na persounis heirefter ludge nor sorne in housis or granges pertening to religious or ecclesiasticall men.1638H. Adamson Muses Threnodie (1774) I. 96 The Baliol proud, With English forces.., arrived at Kinghorne, And through the country mightily did sorne.1725Ramsay Gentle Sheph. iii. iv, He gangs about sornan frae place to place.1799J. Robertson Agric. Perth 385 Why send the person..to corrupt, to pilfer and sorn upon your neighbours?1816Scott Old Mort. vi, You pretend to gie entertainments, that canna come by a dinner except by sorning on a carefu' man like me?1876Eadie Thessalonians 314 The idlers..had no right to ‘sorn’ on their friends or burden the funds of the church.

