
单词 graciousness
释义 graciousness|ˈgreɪʃəsnɪs|
[f. gracious a. + -ness.]
The quality or state of being gracious.
1. Pleasing or attractive quality or condition, charm, winning grace, esp. of manner.
c1385Chaucer L.G.W. 1675 Medea, Of thyn tunge the infynyt graciousnesse.1530Palsgr. 227/1 Graciousnesse, gracievseté.1751Johnson Rambler No. 147 ⁋5 He possessed some Science of Graciousness and Attraction which Books had not taught.1850Lynch Theo. Trin. vii. 134 Beautiful things..have a graciousness that wins us.1885Manch. Exam. 4 Feb. 3/3 He discourses, with a pensive graciousness which is irresistibly charming, of three departed friends.
b. = gracefulness.
1652–62Heylin Cosmogr. i. (1682) 261 The..gratiousness of the Bell tower.
2. Courtesy, politeness; now esp. condescending courtesy.
1638Baker tr. Balzac's Lett. (1654) (vol. III.) 13 Such is your graciousnesse, that it is impossible to fall foule with you.Ibid. (1638) 216, I did not looke to finde so great a graciousnesse.1647Clarendon Hist. Reb. iv. §85 The graciousness and temper of this answer, made no impression in them.1741Richardson Pamela II. 126 His Graciousness to this fine Gentleman and myself.1751Johnson Rambler No. 165 ⁋12 The Barber..seized me by the Hand with honest Joy in his Countenance, which I repressed with a frigid Graciousness.1824Miss Mitford Village Ser. i. (1863) 171 The letter was..received with the most cordial graciousness.1855Macaulay Hist. Eng. xvii. IV. 230 The only words in his Declaration which had any show of graciousness.1872J. L. Sanford Eng. Kings, Chas. I, 342 He..effaced the memory of his previous insinuating graciousness.
3. Mercifulness or compassionateness (of the Deity). Also occas. kindness (of fortune).
1585Abp. Sandys Serm. xv. 264 No tongue can expresse, neither any minde conceiue this gratiousnesse.1599Sandys Europæ Spec. Q 4 b, Vnless the gratiousness of God stirre vppe some worthy Princes of renowne, and reputation, with both sides to enterpose their wisedome.a1665J. Goodwin Filled w. the Spirit (1867) 305 The exceeding graciousness and condescension of his nature.1811Henry & Isabella II. 2 In the midst of her calamities, she thought it a graciousness still left in her fate, to have escaped the connection.1872Spurgeon Treas. Dav. Ps. cxii. 4 His justice is..seasoned with graciousness.
4. Possession of grace, moral excellence. Obs.
a1691Bp. T. Barlow Rem. (1693) 437 The Acts derive their Graciousness from the Habits, and not è contra.a1711Ken Serm. Wks. (1838) 116 Graciousness is honoured as a participation of the Divine nature, appropriated to no other than saints.

