
单词 Talibanization
释义 Talibanization, n.
Brit. |ˌtalɪbɑnʌɪˈzeɪʃn|, |ˌtalɪbnˌʌɪˈzeɪʃn|, U.S. |ˈˌtæləbənəˈzeɪʃ(ə)n|, |ˈˌtæləbəˌnaɪˈzeɪʃ(ə)n|, |ˈˌtæləbənəˈzeɪʃ(ə)n|, |ˈˌtæləbəˌnaɪˈzeɪʃ(ə)n|
Forms: 19– Talebanisation, 19– Talebanization, 19– Talibanisation, 19– Talibanization
[Taliban (also Taleban), the name of a fundamentalist Islamic movement which governed Afghanistan between 1996 and 2001 under a severe interpretation of Islamic law (> suffix. Compare slightly later Talibanize v.
The name Taliban arises from the fact that the movement began amongst Afghan Islamic students exiled in Pakistan:
1995Asiaweek (Nexis) 6 Jan. 25 A powerful new armed faction, known as the Taliban or ‘religious students’, mysteriously emerged in October and has already transformed the balance of power in southern Afghanistan.]
The action or process of making something similar to the Taliban or its regime; spec. movement towards a government based on a fundamentalist interpretation of Islam or (in extended use) another religion.
1996D. Howe in New Statesman 11 Oct. 20/3 The ‘Talibanisation’, to coin a word, of the dissenting legions of third-world young men is on the agenda.2000Bangkok Post (Nexis) 21 Feb. The 'Talebanisation' of India is growing in pace... The past few weeks in India have seen some of the most bitter controversies over attempts by Hindu organisations to take over as the country's de facto ‘cultural police’.2000Dawn (Karachi) 16 Apr. (Mag. section) 2/1 ‘Our's [sic] would be a lost case,’ if we do not act now to undo certain irritants: our quest for cross-border adventurism, religious fanaticism and Talibanization of our young brains.2004U.S. News & World Rep. 28 June–5 July 33/3 There were Saudis speaking of the ‘Talibanization’ of their society, warning that the radicals were on the verge of running away with the faith.2005N.Y. Times Mag. 23 Jan. 35 He has said that he acquired this nom de guerre while waging jihad in Afghanistan and that he was now going to bring about the Talibanization of his part of Bangladesh.

