
单词 decillion
释义 decillion|dɪˈsɪljən|
[f. deci-, L. decem ten, on the analogy of million: cf. billion.]
The tenth power of a million; a number which would be denoted by 1 followed by 60 ciphers. Hence deˈcillionth a. and n.; deˈcillionist (nonce-wd.), one who deals in infinitesimal doses (of homœopathic drugs), such as the decillionth of a grain.
a1845Hood To Hahnemann xii, Leave no decillionth fragment of your works.1880Beale Slight Ailm. 21 Popular prescribers of decillionths of grains.1865Athenæum 11 Mar. 345 If the homœopathists should finally carry the day, would a generation of decillionists have a right to call Jenner and Holland quacks?

