
单词 seventy
释义 seventy, a. and n.|ˈsɛv(ə)ntɪ|
Forms: [1 hundseofontiᵹ, -sifontiᵹ, etc.: cf. seven], 3 seoventi, (Ormin) seof(f)enntiȝ, 4 seyventi, sewinty, zeventy, 4, 6 sevinty, -te, 5 ceventye, senty, 7 seaventy, 3– seventy.
[OE. (hund)seofontiᵹ = OFris. siugun-, sogen-, soventich (mod. sauntich), OS. sivuntig (MLG. seven-, soventich, MDu. seventich, Du. zeventig), OHG. sibunzug (MHG. sibenzec, etc., G. sieb(en)zig), ON. sjau tiger (Norw. sjautti, sytti, Sw. sjuttio): see seven and -ty.]
A. adj.
1. The cardinal number equal to seven tens, represented by 70 or lxx:
a. with n. expressed or implied in the context.
c1200Ormin 4319 Þe feorþe staff iss nemmnedd O & seofenntiȝ bitacneþþ.a1300Cursor M. 1486 Til þat nine hundret yeir war gan And seuenti.1340Ayenb. 1 Blind, and dyaf, and alsuo domb. Of zeuenty yer al uol rond.a1400–50Wars Alex. 634 In foure or in fyfe ȝere he ferre was in lare Þan othire at had bene þare seuynte wynter.c1440Promp. Parv. 67/2 Cevyntye, Septuaginta.1530Palsgr. 367 Septante, seventy.a1674Clarendon Hist. Reb. xi. §151 A ship..that carried seventy guns.1814Wordsw. Excurs. ii. 600 The still contentedness of seventy years.1848Thackeray Van. Fair li, ‘Lend me a hundred, Wenham, for God's sake,’ poor Rawdon said—‘I've got seventy at home.’
b. With ellipsis of years (of age).
c1645Howell Lett. (1650) II. 114 He..who at seventy odd forsakes this light.1729Pope Let. to Swift 28 Nov., My first friendship at sixteen, was contracted with a man of seventy.1831Scott Ct. Rob. vi, His age was some seventy and upwards.1884Ryle Princ. Churchmen (ed. 2) 424 By the time we are seventy, our memories and intellects begin to fail.
c. Specific elliptical uses.
the Seventy: (a) the seventy disciples of our Lord whose mission is recorded in Luke x. 1; (b) the Seventy Interpreters = Septuagint 1; (c) in the organization of Mormonism, a body of seventy elders acting as missionaries.
1520Nisbet N.T. (S.T.S.) I. 10 He sendithe the sevinte befoire him to preche.1614Raleigh Hist. World i. vii. §8. 110 The Geneua Translation calls it [Gopher] Pinetree, the Rabbine Cedar, the Seuentie square timber.1662Stillingfl. Orig. Sacræ i. ii. §11. 37 The Seventy render it..τὰ γλυπτὰ, by which they understand graven Images. [1669Barrow Expos. Creed (1697) 143 Fitly rendered κύριος by the Seventy interpreters.]1681–6J. Scott Chr. Life ii. vii. Wks. 1718 I. 485 Matthias, who..was one of the Seventy that was Chosen and Ordained by the other Apostles to succeed Judas in the Apostolate.1858Trans. Phil. Soc. 72 The Greek rendering of the Seventy.1861R. F. Burton City of Saints ix. 484 The fourth body in rank is the Seventies. The ‘Seventy’ act in the name of the Lord, under direction of the ‘Twelve’, in building up the church, and like them are travelling ministers.
2. a. In comb. with numbers below ten (ordinal and cardinal), as seventy-one, one and seventy, seventy and one, seventy-first; often with ellipsis (e.g. of years).
a1225Ancr. R. 62 Seouene & seouenti lefdies.1297R. Glouc. (Rolls) 7672 In þe ȝer of grace a þousend & seuenti & þre.c1375Sc. Leg. Saints Prol. 139 And disciplis ȝet had he may, forowtin þir, sewinty and twa.c1420Chron. Vilod. 414 After þe Incarnacyon ayȝte hundreth ȝere senty and fyue hit was.1562Winȝet Cert. Tractates Wks. (S.T.S.) I. 17 His Apostolis and seuinty-twa Discipulis.1615W. Bedwell Moham. Impost. iii. §109 You shal be separated farre off from me vnto the seuenty three generation.1788Gibbon Decl. & F. l. V. 218 Seventy-two Houris..of resplendent beauty.1791J. Townsend Journ. Spain (1792) III. 266 On the seventy-first day.1862Lowell Biglow P. Ser. ii. ii, Wal, by heaven, Thet's the wust news I've heerd sence Seventy-seven!1873All Year Round 3 May 13/2, In 1791, the Seventy-third, now the Seventy-first, that had won a name in Indian warfare, again took a foremost part against..Tippoo.1885Tennyson To E. FitzGerald 43, 44 And I am nearing seventy-four, While you have touch'd at seventy-five.
b. Specific uses.
seventy-twos, seventy-twomo [reading of the symbol 72mo; cf. sixteenmo, etc.], the size of the page of a book in which each leaf is one seventy-second part of a whole sheet. seventy-three(s (U.S. slang), best wishes, good-bye; also written 73. seventy-four: (a) a ship carrying seventy-four guns (now Hist.); (b) see quot. 1853. seventy-five: (a) a bow requiring a power of 75 lbs; (b) a gun of 75 mm. calibre formerly used in the armies of the French Republic and the U.S.A.; also written 75. seventy-eight, a gramophone record designed to be played at a speed of seventy-eight revolutions per minute (a speed that was standard until the introduction of the long-playing record); also written 78.
1797Nelson in Duncan Life (1806) 44 Two first-rates and a seventy-four are with him.1840G. A. Hansard Bk. Archery 368 A seventy-five, which commands all lengths within four hundred yards.1841Savage Dict. Printing, Seventy-twomo, a sheet of paper folded into seventy-two leaves or one hundred and forty-four pages is termed seventy-twos or seventy-twomo.1853Pappe Edible Fishes C. Good Hope 21 Dentex Rupestris..(Bastard Silverfish; Seventy-four).1860Dickens Uncomm. Trav. xv, The dark hold of an old Seventy-four.1882Southward Pract. Printing (1884) 110 A variety of formes from folio to seventy-twomo.1894C. N. Robinson Brit. Fleet 238 For fifteen years the seventy-four was the ideal fighting ship for the line of battle.1915E. Wharton Fighting France 56 We begin to come more and more frequently on big colonies of ‘Seventy-fives’.1941Traffic World LXVIII. 198/1 Morse code operators..used many arbitrary numbers to shorten their work..4 meaning ‘where’,..73 ‘best regards’ and 22 ‘kisses’.1951Sackville-West & Shawe-Taylor Record Guide 720 The wise collector will retain his 78 gramophone and the pick of his 78 recordings, continuing to buy good new 78s (especially single discs).1967R. Petrie Foreign Bodies xi. 156 Stina looked out her two old seventy⁓eight records and the four tunes on them sounded through the villa all day.1969A. Horne To lose a Battle xxi. 510 Amongst the guns taken were some 7,000 French ‘75s’ of First War vintage.1971G. Steiner In Bluebeard's Castle iv. 92 There is a science and market..in worn ‘seventy⁓eights’.1976S9 (N.Y.) May/June 31/2 Seventy-threes, and 'bye.1977Gramophone Apr. 1527/1 The LP, at 331/3 revolutions per minute, and the single, at 45 rpm, have retained their popularity with record-buyers, at the same time sounding the death-knell of the 78, which was finally abandoned in 1958.
3. Comb. (chiefly parasynthetic), as seventy-horse (= horse-power), seventy-mile; seventy-footer (see footer n.1 5); seventy-times-seventh, seventy-year-old adjs.; also seventy-fold adv. and vb. (see -fold).
1387Trevisa Higden (Rolls) II. 231 Lamech his synne was i-punsched seuene and seuenty folde.1611Florio, Settantiplicare, to seauentie-fold.1834–6Encycl. Metrop. (1845) VIII. 705/1 The propelling powers are two seventy-horse steam-engines.1877Besant & Rice Son of Vulcan ii. iv. 198 His seventy-times-seventh flogging.1893K. A. Sanborn Truthful Woman 50 From San Diego to Los Angeles, a seventy-mile run along the coast.1896Harper's Mag. XCII. 761/2 The seventy-year-old Blücher.1900Daily News 9 July 8/5 The new seventy-footers..now being sailed in American waters.
B. n.
1. A set of seventy persons or things; a period of seventy years.
1590H. Broughton (title) A Letter to a Friende, tovching Mardochai his Age, which helpeth much to holde the trueth, for that chiefe prophecie of our saluation, in Gabriels seuenties.1741in Buccleuch MSS. (Hist. MSS. Comm.) I. 398 Many companies that were seventy's when we embarked, have not six men left in them.1883Encycl. Brit. XVI. 828/2 There are eighty seventies in Utah. [Cf. A. 1 c, 1861.]1892Gunter Miss Dividends 106 A Mormon empire..ruled over by the Priesthood of the faith of Joseph Smith and the Council of Seventies.
2. the seventies: the decade 70 to 79 in a particular century or in a person's life.
1865‘C. Bede’ Rook's Gard., etc. 96, I have heard the word sparrowgrass from the lips of a real Lady—but then she was in her seventies.1887W. E. S. Fales Brooklyn's Guardians iv. 57 Before the ‘Seventies’, Brooklyn was essentially a city of homes.1895Saintsbury Corr. Impr. 173 It was not easy to reconcile these two laws in the late seventies and early eighties with regard to Mr. Anthony Trollope.1922Joyce Ulysses 630 The tattoo..was all the go in the seventies or thereabouts, even in the House of Lords.1977Rolling Stone 21 Apr. 66/1, I was fascinated with the notion that Mike was what I might have become had I been a man, the lastborn instead of the first—, a child of the Seventies rather than the Sixties.

