
单词 Imagism
释义 Imagism|ˈɪmɪdʒɪz(ə)m|
Also imagism.
[f. image n. + -ism.]
1. Name given to a movement in poetry, originating in 1912 and represented by Ezra Pound, Amy Lowell, and others, aiming at clarity of expression through the use of precise visual images.
In the early period often written in the Fr. form Imagisme.
1912E. Pound Let. 1 Aug. (1971) 38 I should like the name ‘Imagisme’ to retain some sort of a meaning. It stands, or I should like it to stand for hard light, clear edges.Ibid. 12 Aug. (1971) 39 If you want to drag in the word Imagisme you can use a subtitle ‘an anthology devoted to Imagisme, vers libre and modern movements in verse’ or something of that sort.1913Poetry (Chicago) Mar. 198 (title) Imagisme. Some curiosity has been aroused concerning Imagisme... Editor's Note—In response to many requests for information regarding Imagism and the Imagistes, we publish this note by Mr. Flint... Imagism is not necessarily associated with Hellenic subjects, or with vers libre as a prescribed form.1915E. Pound Let. Jan. (1971) 48 If I had acceded to A. L.'s [sc. Amy Lowell's] proposal to turn ‘Imagism’ into a democratic beer-garden, I should have undone what little good I had managed to do by setting up a critical standard.1917North Amer. Rev. CCV. 106 The third characteristic of The New Poetry, and particularly of Imagism, is what might be metaphorically described as faithfulness to the architectural line.1924T. Maynard Our Best Poets 198 Imagism brings together, with an indulgent catholicism, those who use metre with a brilliant exactness, and those who use only cadence.1929A. Noyes Return of Scare-Crow iv. 52 The sharp-edged imagism with which our younger writers are experimenting today.1931G. Hughes (title) Imagism and the Imagists.1967Listener 2 Mar. 297/2 Pound may have believed that his imagism..was an alternative to symbolism, but there is no reason now for us to agree with him.
2. Philos. (See quot. 1953.)
1952R. I. Aaron Theory of Universals ii. 20 It might be argued that what Hobbes was attacking..was imagism rather than conceptualism, the notion [i.e. imagism] that there must be an image before us whenever we universalize.1953H. H. Price Thinking & Experience viii. 234 The theory that thinking consists in operating with mental images..has no generally accepted name. I am going to call it ‘Imagism’.

