
单词 scheduling
释义 ˈscheduling, vbl. n.
[f. as prec. + -ing1.]
The action of entering in or drawing up a schedule; esp. the preparation of a timetable for the completion of the various stages of a complex project; the co-ordination of many related actions or tasks into a single time-sequence.
1894Times (weekly ed.) 9 Feb. 108/1 The Scheduling of Canadian cattle..may prove..a blessing in disguise.1957Proc. Conf. Operations Res., Computers, & Management Decisions (Case Inst. Technol.) 63/1 A minimum of constraints were used to define the models of the cut-and-fill operation and of construction scheduling.1959Naval Research Logistics Q. (U.S.) VI. 131 There is an indication of the possibility of constructing special algorithms to exploit the structure of certain of the ‘classical’ scheduling problems.1964A. Battersby Network Analysis ix. 138 A fairly simple arrow diagram..usually contains about 150 to 200 activities and forms the basis for the overall scheduling.1967Times Rev. Industry Mar. 15/1 Scheduling times on much plant and equipment are long and one can do little about rephasing such spending in the short term.1976P. R. White Planning for Public Transport viii. 170 A graphic timetable of this type can be used for scheduling purposes.1977Rep. Comm. Future of Broadcasting iv. 35 To our mind an executive Broadcasting Commission..would be bound to be drawn into the details of scheduling..in making decisions about individual programmes.1978Sci. Amer. Mar. 129/3 In critical-path scheduling the tasks are assigned to processors according to the length of the various precedence chains they head in the diagram of precedence constraints.1980Times 29 Nov. 5/8 The scheduling of an interim stop in Athens after the airliner took off.

