
单词 savate
释义 savate|savat|
[Fr.; lit. a kind of shoe: see sabaton.]
A method of fighting (commonly employed instead of or in conjunction with boxing) in which the feet are used. Also Comb., as savate kick. Hence savateur |savatœr|, one who is skilled in the savate.
1862Wraxall Hugo's Miserables cxxx. II. 79 The Parisian gamin..is clever at the savate, and all creeds are possible to him.1889E. B. Michell Boxing (Badm. Libr.) 132 While the practice of the Savate, in which the feet as well as the hands are used, was growing up in France, an exactly similar style of boxing was being separately developed in the remote countries between India and China.1898Daily News 25 Oct. 8/5 This mixture of savate with a sort of elementary boxing would appear to be only effective when both parties use it.1899Ibid. 30 Oct. 6/6 Charlemont, the French savateur.1969J. Fredman Fourth Agency xi. 104 He came at me in a crouching horizontal leap and dealt me a great big savate kick.1975P. Audemars Nightmare in Rust xi. 157 He..launched a tremendous savate kick at the base of the old man's spine.

