
单词 trade-in
释义 trade-in|ˈtreɪdɪn|
[f. vbl. phr. to trade in s.v. trade v. 10.]
1. a. A transaction in which something is traded in; a part exchange. b. An item traded in, esp. a used car; also fig. c. A sum allowed in return for a trade-in.
1917Horseless Carriage 1 Aug. 28 A used car in a trade-in.1934J. O'Hara Appointment in Samarra ii. 39 That Studebaker sedan, the black one. The one we took on a trade-in from Doc Lurie.1945Word Study Dec. 3/1 So useful and practical is English becoming that the time may not be far off when many small nations..may consider some sort of ‘trade-in’ with their national language for the English language.1954P. Highsmith Blunderer (1956) xxii. 140 Since he hadn't the money for a brand-new car, Kimmel preferred to keep his ancient one rather than acquire something slightly newer on a trade-in.1960V. Packard Waste Makers xiii. 137 The high trade-in proved to be enormously effective in luring prospects.1969F. Sargeson Joy of Worm ii. 33 He would sell his machine to Jeremy cheap, and..accept as part of the transaction the trade-in of two push bikes in reasonably good condition.1970D. G. Alexander Retailing in England during Industr. Revol. v. 143 Refurbished foot-wear which had been received as ‘trade-ins’ on new foot-wear.1972J. Belfrage in G. W. Turner Good Austral. Eng. vi. 115 Second-hand car dealers who..beg you to take as-new late models off their hands..for ultra-generous trade-ins on your old bombs.1980G. Hammond Reward Game iv. 46 There's a wee sports car that I took as a trade-in.
2. attrib.
1927Ladies' Home Jrnl. Dec. 65/1 Buyers..took prompt advantage of the liberal trade-in allowance on their old equipment.1929Collier's 12 Jan. 9/2 If more than one third of his..transactions..is represented by trade-in cars.1946Sun (Baltimore) 27 Jan. 22 (Advt.), No more ‘tired power’ or expensive engine repair. Extra value at trade-in time.1958Economist 8 Nov. 535/2 A general move in this direction would shave dealers' profit margins and might affect the trade-in values they could offer.1974P. Flower Odd Job iv. 29 They could get new trade-in jobs on HP... He wouldn't take any more old fridges.1977Cork Examiner 8 June 14/5 (Advt.), Typewriters all makes, new and secondhand, good trade-in allowance.1980Sunday Express 24 Aug. 22/1 (Advt.), You could get an exceptional trade-in price for your old car.

