
单词 frenne
释义 frenne, fren, a. and n. Obs.
[A corrupt form of frend, fremd, influenced by etymologizing association with forenne, foreign.]
A. adj. Strange, not related. rare—1.
1553N. Grimalde Cicero's Offices i. (1558) 21 They conuey those same riches to frenne folke: which it were more reason bothe to bee delt and left to their kinsfolke.
B. n. A foreigner, stranger, enemy.
1579Spenser Sheph. Cal. Apr. 28 So now his frend is chaunged for a frenne [1597 fren]. Gloss., Frenne, a straunger. The word I thinke was..poetically put, and afterwarde vsed in common custome of speech for forenne.1614Davies Eclogue in Browne's Past., If frennes forbeare at home hem to inuade, They wry their peace to noy each other.

