
单词 forum
释义 forum|ˈfɔərəm|
[a. L. forum.]
1. Rom. Ant. The public place or market-place of a city. In ancient Rome the place of assembly for judicial and other public business.
1460J. Capgrave Chron. 29 Thoo places in which juges herd causes he [Foroneus] cleped hem aftir his name, ‘forum’, that is to say, ‘a hopen place’, or ‘a market’.1601Holland Pliny II. 117 The said Scipioes statue erected in the Forum or publick hall.1647R. Stapylton Juvenal 61 The city of Rome had four great forums or piazzas.1781Gibbon Decl. & F. II. 15 The principal Forum; which appears to have been of a circular, or rather elliptical form.1838Arnold Hist. Rome I. 38 He [Tarquinius] made a forum or market place and divided out the ground around it for shops and stalls, and made a covered walk around it.
b. as the place of public discussion; hence fig.
1735Thomson Liberty i. 160 Foes in the forum in the field were friends.1818Byron Ch. Har. iv. cxiv. 1025 Rienzi..The forum's champion, and the people's chief.1831Carlyle Sart. Res. (1858) 8 To descend..into the angry noisy Forum, with an Argument that cannot but exasperate and divide.
2. A court, tribunal. law of the forum: the legal rules of a particular court or jurisdiction.
1848Wharton Law Lex., Forum, the court to the jurisdiction of which a party is liable.1857Parsons Contracts II. ii. ii. §6 (ed. 2) 103 Limitation and prescription are applied only according to the law of the forum.1858Ld. St. Leonards Handy-bk. Prop. Law ii. 4 As the law of property is now administered in the different forums..it exhibits a splendid..code of jurisprudence.
b. transf. and fig. (Cf. med.L. in foro interno, in foro conscientiæ).
1690Case Univ. Oxford 48 A right to be impleaded in their own Forum only.1756Burke Subl. & B. v. v, Of this, at first view, every man, in his own forum, ought to judge without appeal.1852Gladstone Glean. (1879) IV. xiv. 151 In every country of Europe, except one, when excusable collision arises between the civil and the religious power it must be in the external forum.1874Morley Compromise (1886) 147 It is truth that in the forum of conscience claims an undivided allegiance.
3. attrib., as forum-area, forum-orator.
1812Southey in Q. Rev. VIII. 347 A forum orator some years ago published a tour.1893Archæologia LIII. 544 The forum area was trenched but not excavated.

Add:3. forum shopping Law (orig. U.S.), the practice by a plaintiff of deliberately seeking out the court felt likely to determine most favourably in a particular case; also forum-shop v. intr. (pres. pple. in quot.).
1954Federal Suppl. (U.S.) CXVIII. 235/2 He may have been *forum-shopping, but the law has not, particularly in the case of seamen and others in his category, frowned upon this.1955U.C.L.A. Law Rev. III. 104 Under the old doctrine a primary consideration was the prevention of a plaintiff's ‘forum shopping’.1970Internat. & Compar. Law Q. XIX. i. 29 Their Lordships were..alive to the evils of ‘forum shopping’ that Machado v. Fontes has in the past been accused of encouraging.1983Times 22 Jan. 3/3 Lord Hailsham's view is that the present system with its ‘forum shopping and scales of costs’ in different courts is ‘hardly an advertisement for a system of justice’.

Computing. A discussion group which is accessible online, as through a mailing list, a bulletin board system, a newsgroup, or the World Wide Web, esp. one dedicated to the exchange of information and opinions on a particular topic.
In early use, not always distinguished from the general sense of ‘a place of public discussion’ (see 1b).
1971E. Harslem & J. F. Heafner Request for Comments (Network Working Group) (Electronic text) No. 131. 3 We have been proponents of the collective NWG [= Network Working Group] as a forum to raise issues and as a general information transfer mechanism of what sites are doing and thinking.1984InfoWorld (Nexis) 18 June 34 A forum or special-interest group (SIG) is a subset of a national network and functions much like a BBS.1990Computer Buyer's Guide & Handbk. 8 iii. 34/1 Most people think of BBSs as crude hacker forums where computer nerds trade tips on how to pirate software or break into the Pentagon's computers.1997Daily Tel. (Electronic ed.) 1 Nov. In this forum, you can follow or join in conversations as they happen.2000Edupage (Electronic text) 25 Aug. The Open eBook Forum is working on standardizing e-publishing and addressing concerns about e-book piracy.

