
单词 finial
释义 finial, a. and n.|ˈfɪnɪəl|
Forms: 4–6 fynial(l, -yal(l, 5–7 finiall, 6– finial.
[A variant of final, app. of Eng. origin, as no similar form has been found in OE. or med.Lat.]
A. adj.
1. = final. Obs.
a1400Chester Pl. (Shaks. Soc.) I. 157 Rittes ceremoniall,..Shall utterlye cease, and take ther ende fyniall.1426Audelay Poems 50 There was faythfolé made a feneal code.1447O. Bokenham Seyntys (Roxb.) 116 Graunt them to dyen in fynial grace.1460Pol. Rel. & L. Poems 105 Fynyal blyse.1486Bk. St. Alban's, Her. B iij a, Ther be ix. quadrattis for to consider. v. quadrate finiall and iiij royall.
2. [Suggested by the n.] Forming the crown or completion; crowning. rare—1.
1888A. S. Wilson Lyric Hopeless Love 182 Until..life erects its finial part, The formulation of the heart.
B. n. Arch. An ornament placed upon the apex of a roof, pediment, or gable, or upon each of the corners of a tower, etc.; a similar ornament serving as a termination to a canopy or the like, or to the end of an open seat in a church.
1448Will of Hen. VI in Willis & Clark Cambridge I. 369 Euery boterace fined with finialx.1572Indenture 4 Jan. in H. Walpole Vertue's Anecd. Paint. (1765) I. App., All the seid fynyshing and performyng of the seid towre with fynyalls.1591Sylvester Du Bartas i. i. 223 From this faire Palace then he takes his Front, From that his Finials.1600Holland Livy xxxv. x. (1609) 894 Gilded shields..were set up on the finiall or lanterne of Jupiters temple.1601Pliny xxxv. xii. 552 To set up Gargils or Antiques at the top of a Gavill end, as a finiall to the crest tiles.1811J. Milner Eccl. Archit. vii. 105 Pinnacles..surmounted with an elegant flower, called a finial.1853Turner Dom. Archit. II. vi. 255 The finish of the northern gable with its beautiful finial.1870F. R. Wilson Ch. Lindisf. 31 The low open seats are ornamented with finials.
b. transf. and fig.
1591Sylvester Du Bartas i. v. 985 As the Phœnix on my Front doth glister, Thou shalt the Finials of my Frame illustre.1632Holland Cyrup 206 The absolute perfection and finiall of many noble and excellent Actions.1876R. F. Burton Gorilla L. I. 96 Monotheism, the finial of the spiritual edifice.1880Blackmore M. Anerley III. iii. 33 An ivied bush, which served as the finial of the garden-hedge.
Hence ˈfinialled ppl. a., having, or decorated with, finials.
1850T. Inkersley Romanesque Archit. France 323 An external Pointed arch, surmounted by a triangle crocketed and finialled.

