
单词 bezesteen
释义 bezesteen|ˈbɛzɪstiːn|
Also 7 besestano, bisestano, 7–8 besestein, 8 bezestan, 9 bezestein.
[a. (directly or through Fr. or It.) Turk. bazistān, originally a Pers. word meaning ‘clothes market.’]
An exchange, bazaar, or market-place in the East.
1656Blount Glossogr., Besestein, an Exchange or the chief Market-place among the Turks.1696Phillips, Besestano, a Burse or Exchange for Merchants.1736Bailey, Bezestan..a Burse or Exchange.1849Curzon Visits Monast. 35 Some of the bezesteins and principal bazaars are closed at twelve o'clock.1864Sala Tw. round Clock 267 Behold the Bezesteen of borrowed money.

