
单词 hewt
释义 hewt Obs.
[prob.:—OE. hiewet hewing, cutting (Gregory's Past. xxxvi. 253), and thus corresponding in sense to OF. copeiz, copse.]
? A copse; a grove.
1575Turberv. Venerie 75 He muste take good heede that he come not too earely into the springs and hewtes where he thinketh that the harte doth feed. [So 1677 in N. Cox Gentl. Recreat. 71; 1725 Bradley Fam. Dict. s.v. Hart.]Ibid. 82 Now the huntsman should go to seeke an harte in small groues or hewts.1583Stanyhurst æneis ii. (Arb.) 66 A tumb to Troytowne and mouldy tempil aneereth Vowd to the godly Ceres; a ciper by the churche seat abydeth..From diuerse corners to that hewt wee wyl make asemblye.1616Bullokar, Hewte, a little copse or groue.1688R. Holme Armoury ii. 188/1 Hewts, or Springs [are] the places where the Deer feeds; taken for the small Groves or Copyes; and the Springs the greater Groves.

