
单词 unreformed
释义 unreˈformed, ppl. a.
[un-1 8, 5 b.]
1. Of faults, etc.: Not amended or made good.
1528Cromwell in Merriman Life & Lett. (1902) I. 318, I trust that no defaulte..is lefte vnrefourmed.1542Hen. VIII Declar. A iv b, The kyng of Scottis dedes..could not..be passed ouer vnreformed.1653Jer. Taylor Serm. for Year i. xii. 161 Every vicious habit, or unreformed sin.1679Moxon Mech. Exerc. viii. 145 Upon penalty..for every default Ten Shillings, and Ten Shillings every week it continues unreformed.1694S. Bethal Providences of God 94 There being no such Traitors to the Strength of a Land..as are unreformed Provocations.
2. Not reformed or made better; unimproved:
a. Of persons, the heart, etc.
1583Golding Calvin on Deut. xxvii. 223 If wee..in the meane while leaue our heartes vnreformed.1644Hammond Of Conscience 44 Never to lye downe..unhumbled unreformed in any such sinne.1671Milton P.R. iii. 429 Who freed,..Unhumbl'd, unrepentant, unreform'd, Headlong would follow.1717De Foe Mem. Ch. Scot. ii. 27 The Church formally absolv'd him, and yet secretly believed him to be unreformed.18..Moore (title), Musings of an Unreformed Peer.1872Geo. Eliot Middlem. lxi, The unreformed provincial mind distrusted London.
b. Of practices, institutions, etc.
1614Act 12 Jas. I, in Bolton Stat. Irel. (1621) 425 Your gracious disposition..towards the settling of this unreformed kingdom.1792Burke Let. to Dundas Wks. 1812 V. 199 It is better to allow the evil, in order to correct it, than..to leave it under an illegal, and therefore an unreformed existence.1840Arnold in Life (1844) II. 189 If a system goes on long unreformed, it is not then reformed, but destroyed.1849Mill Diss. & Disc. (1859) II. 352 The majority of even the unreformed House of Commons.1898Westm. Gaz. 1 Mar. 2/1 Then I would rather that the Church should remain unreformed.
3. Not affected by the Reformation.
1788Burke Sp. agst. W. Hastings Wks. XIV. 20 [You] have seen in the unreformed countries of Europe churches filled with persons, who take sanctuary in them.1892Mayor Ep. James p. xviii, The churches of Western Christendom, reformed and unreformed.
Hence unreˈformedness.
1607Hieron Wks. I. 248 Denouncing the heauy vengeance of God vpon vnreformednesse.1655S. Ashe Funeral Serm. Gataker 13 During the time of his impenitency and unreformednesse.1677I. Mather Preval. Prayer (1864) 244 That which aggravateth our Unreformedness, is, that in the Time of our Trouble [etc.].1888Contemp. Rev. Sept. 345 One who, in that day of its unreformedness, did not regard the constitution of the Royal Academy as absolutely perfect.

