
单词 unlight
释义 I. unˈlight, a.1
[un-1 7 + light a.1 Cf. ON. úléttr (MSw. olätter), MHG. unlîhte.]
Not light (in weight or feeling); heavy.
c1320Sir Tristr. 419 He toke his lod vnliȝt.Ibid. 1039 A launce vn-liȝt.c1440Ipomydon 472 He..takith hys leue with hert vnlyght.1480–1J. Watton Spec. Xristiani 46 A temple..With walles and pylers here onlyght.
II. unˈlight, a.2 rare—0.
[un-1 7 + light a.2]
Not bright or clear; dark, obscure.
1570Levins Manip. 119 Vnlight, obscurus.
III. unˈlight, v. Now s.w. dial.
[un-2 9. Cf. dial. onlight (1825–).]
intr. To alight, dismount.
1623Cockeram i, Degresse, to vnlight from a Horse.1796M. Robinson Angelina II. 174 I'm sure you hadn't no companion when you unlighted.1847Halliwell.1886–in Glouc., Som., and Devon glossaries, etc.
IV. unˈlight, ppl. a.1 Obs.—1
[un-1 8 b + light v.1 6.]
Not dismounted.
c1400Destr. Troy 3446 He raght to the reynes of þe riche qwene,..And led hir vnlight into a large halle.
V. unˈlight, ppl. a.2 Obs.
[un-1 8 b.]
= next 1.
a1500Three 15th Cent. Chron. (Camden) 104 The torches unlight met hym at the steyre foote.., and so went byfore hym unlyght to the chirche.1591Sylvester Du Bartas i. ii. 670 As lighted Candles doe th' unlight inflame.

