
单词 cowl-staff
释义 cowl-staff, coul-staff
Forms: α. 3 cuuel-staf, 6–7 coule-, cowle, 6– coul-, cowl-staff. β. 5–8 cole-, 6–7 coal-, coole-, 7 col-, coll-staff. γ. 6–9 colt-staff.
[f. cuvel(e, cowl n.2 + staff, in description of its primary use, that of carrying a ‘cowl’. Partly through phonetic contraction, and partly by ‘popular etymology’, it came afterwards to be associated with cole, coal, and colt; but as a current word it is still generally associated with cowl n.2]
A stout stick used to carry a ‘cowl’, being thrust through the two handles of it; a pole or staff used to carry burdens, supported on the shoulders of two bearers; a ‘stang’. It was formerly a familiar household requisite, and a ready weapon. arch. and dial.
to ride on a cowl-staff, etc.: to be set astride a pole and carried in derision about the streets; a rough form of popular punishment, inflicted esp. on a husband who allowed himself to be beaten or abused by his wife. See Brand Pop. Antiq. (1870) II. Nuptial Usages §35.
c1250Gen. & Ex. 3710 Ðes xii ðider hem hauen broȝt..An win-grape on an cuuel-staf, And tolden hem ðe lond is god.1483Caxton Gold. Leg. 62/2 One clustre of grapes as moche as two men myght bere bytwene them upon a colestaff.1530in W. H. Turner Select. Rec. Oxford 92 [They] stroke..Wells on the brest wt y⊇ end of a grett cowle staff.1580Lupton Sivqila 50 If a woman beat hir husbande, the man that dwelleth next unto hir shal ride on a cowlstaffe.1592Arden of Faversham v. i, [We] haue taken the Constable..And carried him about the fields on a coltstaffe.1598Shakes. Merry W. iii. iii. 156 Go, take vp these cloathes heere, quickly: Wher's the Cowle-staffe?a1641Suckling Goblins iii. (ed. 2) 35 Mounting him upon a Cowle-staffe Which..He apprehended to be Pegasus.c1645Howell Lett. (1892) II. 568 There are many that wear horns, and ride daily upon Coltstaves.1698Sidney Disc. Govt. ii. §24 (1704) 168 He resolv'd to follow the Crown, tho it were upon a Coalstaff.1712J. James tr. Le Blond's Gardening 182 Two Men will easily carry it upon a Colt-Staff, or Hand-Barrow.1777Hoole Comenius' Vis. World (ed. 12) 84 One can carry as much by thrusting a wheelbarrow, before him..as two can carry on a cole-staff.1822J. Imison Sc. & Art I. 30 When two draymen carry a barrel on a coulstaff, to which it is suspended by a chain.
b. as an appliance in bone-setting. Obs.
1676Wiseman Chirurg. Treat. vii. v. 488 Instruments proper for the Reduction of the luxated shoulder are Ladder, Coulstaffe, Pulleys, Glossocomium, etc.1683Sir J. Bramston Autobiog. 297 A bone-setter..came..and tryed it with a coole-staff, which put my Son to extream torture.

