
单词 roblet
释义 ˈroblet, n. Obs. rare.
In 8 roiblet.
[Perh. for Robinet (cf. dial. remlet for remnant), which occurs as the name of a goblin in Wright's Latin Stories 38.]
A goblin leading persons astray in the dark. In comb. roblet-led.
1755J. Clubbe Misc. Tracts (1770) I. 52 From hence superstition has possessed the inhabitants, that..it is impossible to find the way out of this field in the dark, but that every one that is so hardy as to make the experiment is Roiblet-led; by which they mean led by some ghost or phantom.
Hence ˈroblet v. trans., to lead astray. Obs.
1674N. Fairfax Bulk & Selv. 65 One reason..why the understanding has been robletted in to these wastes and wildnesses.Ibid. 173 If the man..will needs be setting up a Will in the wisp, no wonder if the glare of it sometimes roblet him into bogs and marlpits.

