
单词 nobleite
释义 nobleite Min.|ˈnəʊb(ə)laɪt|
[f. the name of Levi F. Noble, 20th-cent. U.S. geologist + -ite1.]
A hydrated calcium borate, CaB6O10 .4H2O, found as colourless, monoclinic crystals at Furnace Creek, Death Valley, California.
1961R. C. Erd et al. in Amer. Mineralogist XLVI. 560 The naturally occurring hydrous calcium borate, CaO.3B2O3.4H2O..is named nobleite in honor of Dr. Levi F. Noble, geologist in the U.S. Geological Survey since 1909, in further recognition of his fundemantal contributions to geologic knowledge of the Death Valley region.1964Ibid. XLIX. 1549 Tunellite..is isostructural with the Ca analogue, nobleite.1968I. Kostov Minerology 435 Colemanite Group. The following minerals belong to this group:..nifontovite..tunellite..nobleite.

