
单词 prenotary
释义 preˈnotary Obs.
Forms: 5 prenotarye, 6 -arie, preignetory, prignatory, 7 pre(i)gnotarie, -ry, prægnotary, pregnotory, prenotory.
[ad. med.L. prænotārius, app. a latinized synonym of prōtonotārius protonotary: cf. AF. prenoˈtarie (Britton 1292), preignatorie. Prob. at first stressed ˌprenoˈtarie, whence ˈprenŏtary, -nătorie, -nĕtory, etc., and pregn- for pren-.]
The chief clerk of a court of law; a protonotary. Also fig.[c1250Bracton De Leg. Angliæ (Rolls) III. 188 Tunc legat prothonotarius virtutem brevis ad instructionem juratorum.c1290Fleta iv. ix. (1647) 230 Tunc legat prænotarius virtutem Juratorum.1292Britton ii. xxi. §5 Adounc lour seit bref leu par le clerc prenotarie, qi dirra en ceste manere.] c1450Lydg. & Burgh Secrees 2399 Prenotaryes to haue I the Advyse.1535Cromwell in Merriman Life & Lett. (1902) I. 398 John Joyner the kinges Preignetory of his graces comen bench at Westminster.1542–3Act 34 & 35 Hen. VIII, c. 27 §43 Vpon euery fine..shalbe paied..twoo shillynges..Wherof..the Prenotarie, entring the same, shall haue two pens.1600Maldon, Essex, Doc. Bundle 162 lf. 8 Vnto serjeants, prignatoryes, atturneys, and councelors.1651tr. De-las-Coveras' Don Fenise 20 The Judge of the towne assisted by the Pregnotory and serjeants came into the house.1658Phillips, Prægnotaries,..in Common law, the chief Clerks of the King's Court, whereof three are of the Common pleas, and one of the King's Bench.a1693Urquhart's Rabelais iii. xlii. 345 Sequestrators,..Tabellions,..Pregnatories, Secondaries.

