
单词 pongo
释义 I. pongo|ˈpɒŋgəʊ|
[Native name in a dialect of Angola or Loango; cf. also the forms mpongo, mpongi (Bentley Dict. Congo Lang. 1887), impungu.]
1. a. A name in early writers of a large anthropoid African ape: variously identified with the Chimpanzee, and the Gorilla.
1625Battel in Purchas Pilgrims II. vii. iii. 982 Here are also two kinds of Monsters, which are common in these Woods [of Mayombe], and very dangerous. The greatest of these two Monsters is called, Pongo, in their Language: and the lesser is called, Engeco. This Pongo is..more like a Giant in stature, then a man: for he is very tall, and hath a mans face, hollow-eyed, with long haire vpon his browes. [1766Buffon Hist. Nat. (1837) III. 590 Pongo, nom de ce même animal à Lowango, province de Congo.]1766Ann. Reg. ii. 104/2 The Pongo..is of a very great size, sometimes eight feet in height.1781–5Smellie tr. Buffon's Nat. Hist. (1791) VIII. 77 In the East Indies this animal is called orang-outang; in Lowando, a province of Congo, pongo.1861P. B. Du Chaillu Equat. Afr. xx. 361 The gorilla has been mentioned..under the following names: pongo, by Battel, 1629; ingena, Bowditch, 1819. [1876R. F. Burton Gorilla L. II. 5 The Gorilla and perhaps the more monstrous ‘Impungu’ (‘Mpongo’).]
b. Later transferred to the orang-utan, an anthropoid ape native to Borneo and Sumatra, and adopted as its generic name by Lacépède in 1799; see pongid n. and a.
1798Phil. Mag. I. 238 The orang outang of the large kind, or the pongo of Buffon, is not common even in its native country Borneo.1834McMurtrie Cuvier's Anim. Kingd. 44 There is a monkey in Borneo, hitherto known only by his skeleton, called the Pongo, which so closely resembles the Ourang-Outang..that we are tempted to consider him an adult—if not of the species of the Ourang-Outang, at least of one very nearly allied to it.1861P. B. Du Chaillu Equat. Afr. xx. 342 In 1780 the skeleton of another large ape was sent from Batavia to Holland by Baron Wurmb, the resident governor, who called it the Pongo. It received from naturalists the name Pongo Wurmbi.1913D. G. Elliott Rev. Primates I. [Errata] The premier genus of the Great Apes is Pongo.1972D. Bloodworth Any Number can Play xii. 104 An intelligent pongo digging a twig into a wasp's nest.
2. a. Naut. slang. A marine, a soldier. Also attrib.
1917‘B. Copplestone’ Lost Naval Papers vi. 85 You could pass as a naval officer more easily than you could as a Pongo.1919W. H. Downing Digger Dial. 38 Pongo, a soldier; one of the rank and file.1923F. H. Vizetelly Desk-Bk. Idioms 328 Pongo, a marine: in playful British usage, from a native African name for an anthropoid ape.1943D. Glover in Penguin New Writing XVI. 15 What about that bloody pongo what's been loafing round since I come ashore last?1946J. Irving Royal Navalese 137 Pongo, the matelot's name for a soldier. In the First World War it was his name for a Royal Marine.1955‘N. Shute’ Requiem for Wren iii. 92 Each service at that time had its own slang; to her the army were all Pongoes.1961B. Fergusson Watery Maze i. 40 Captain (afterwards Admiral Sir Frederick) Dalrymple-Hamilton having an elder brother in the Army, and consequently, as he said, ‘a soft spot for Pongoes’.1964J. Hale Grudge Fight ii. 33 Just before the admiral's car got to the pier the pongos blew a great hole in it.1975Canad. Forces Sentinel (Ottawa) XI. vi. 7/2 Cpl. Don Lyons won praise from naval techs who described him as the only ‘pongo stoker’ with the maintenance team.1977Daily Mail 17 Nov. 15/1 Fourteen youths..went out looking for soldiers to beat up... Favourite expressions of the gang were ‘squaddy bashing’ and ‘pongo bashing’.
b. Austral. and N.Z. slang. An Englishman. Also attrib.
19422 N.Z.E.F. Times 7 Sept. 5 A big bronzed Pongo came in.1945J. Henderson Gunner Inglorious 148 The successful applicant [for the position of Batman], an elderly, quiet-spoken Pongo, was a dinkum butler.1947D. M. Davin For Rest of Our Lives xxxii. 165 That pongo cobber of yours, the homo.1947Gorse blooms Pale 208 The poor old pongos are probably still indenting in triplicate for mine-detectors.1949Here & Now (N.Z.) Oct. 11/2 He long ago began featuring himself as a ‘New Zealander born and bred’, a sop to the vague public feeling against Pommies, Pongoes, Homies.1964Courier-Mail (Brisbane) 19 Nov. 12 Mr. Arthur Bryan..dislikes what he calls the ‘pongo’ Englishman. ‘This is the bloke who is so bound by tradition and the old establishment that he can think of nothing else,’ he says.1969Private Eye 19 Dec. 5/2 The pongos are shooting through like streaks of weasle piss!1972G. W. Turner Eng. Lang. Austral. & N.Z. (ed. 2) 109 Like Australians, New Zealanders call the English pommies, but also have a variant pongo which seems rather less tolerant in its tone.
c. Mil. slang. An army officer.
1943B. J. Hurren Eastern Med. xii. 139 In the slang of the desert the word ‘pongo’ is used for all Army officers.1943C. H. Ward-Jackson Piece of Cake 48 Pongo, an army officer.1949F. Maclean Eastern Approaches ii. vii. 269 ‘Operation pongo’..was the code-name I had chosen for the abduction of the General.1965O. Manning Friends & Heroes xxii. 237 What were you doing walking about holding on to that bloody little pongo?
d. slang. A Black, a Negro. Also attrib.
1968L. Deighton Only when I Larf vii. 99 You wouldn't want no breech block blowing back and crippling some poor pongo, no matter what country he's in.1972M. Woodhouse Mama Doll viii. 89 Our Pongo brothers in darkest Africa.
II. pongo
var. panga1.

