
单词 over-roast
释义 ˌover-ˈroast, v.
[over- 27.]
trans. To roast too much. Hence ˌover-ˈroasted ppl. a., ˌover-ˈroasting vbl. n.
1528Tindale Obed. Chr. Man 130 Yf the podech be burned..or the meate ouer rosted, we saye, the bysshope hath put his fote in the potte.1596Shakes. Tam. Shr. iv. i. 178 Better..Then feede it with such ouer-rosted flesh.1712Addison Spect. No. 482 ⁋4 The over-roasting of a Dish of Wild-Fowl.1822Lamb Elia Ser. i. Roast Pig, The crisp, tawny, well-watched, not over-roasted crackling.

