
单词 oxide
释义 oxide, n. Chem.|ˈɒksaɪd, ˈɒksɪd|
Also oxid (now chiefly U.S.), oxyde, oxyd.
[a. F. oxide (1787), now oxyde, f. oxy-gène + -ide, after the ending of acide: cf. Sp. oxido, Pg. oxydo, It. ossido.
Cf. 1787, G. de Morveau & Lavoisier Nomencl. Chimique 56 ‘Nous avons formé le mot oxide, qui d'une part rappelle la substance avec laquelle le métal est uni, qui d'autre part annonce suffisamment que cette combinaison de l'oxigène ne doit pas être confondue avec la combinaison acide, quoiqu'elle s'en rapproche à plusieurs égards.’ This antithesis of acide and oxide was no doubt the reason why some early writers in Eng. used oxid (like acid), a spelling now favoured by American use. Oxyde and oxyd represent a feeling for closer written conformity to oxygen.]
a. A compound of oxygen with another element, or with an organic radical.
1790R. Kerr tr. Lavoisier's Elem. Chem. ii. 187 Red oxyd of mercury..the oxyds of silver.1793Beddoes Calculus 236 The oxid of mercury, in passing through the human body, parts with its Oxygene.1795Pearson in Phil. Trans. LXXXV. 331 Wootz, from the surface of which oxide, and any other extraneous matter, had been carefully rubbed off.1799Med. Jrnl. I. 61 Substances, such as the oxydes of mercury, zinc, &c.1800Henry Epit. Chem. (1808) 67 Every substance, capable of union with oxygen, affords, by combustion, either an oxide or an acid.1864–72Watts Dict. Chem. II. 508 Simple ethers..are the oxides of the alcohol-radicles.1878A. H. Green Coal ii. 65 The red colour of the rocks..is caused by every grain being coated by a thin skin of ferric oxide.1879Dana Man. Geol. (ed. 3) 50 The oxyd of the metal calcium is common quicklime.1890Cent. Dict., Oxid, oxide.
b. attrib. and Comb., as oxide-coated adj., oxide coating.
1933J. H. Morecroft Electron Tubes ii. 23 In making the modern oxide-coated filament the coating is applied in the form of a white carbonate.Ibid., The amount of CO2 released from the oxide coating of an ordinary rectifier tube.., when the carbonate is being reduced to the oxide, is sufficient to fill the bulb to about 10 mm Hg pressure.1964F. Rosebury Handbk. Electron Tube & Vacuum Techniques (1965) 95 Experimental tubes often do not require their oxide-coated cathodes to have exceptionally long life.1966McGraw-Hill Encycl. Sci. & Technol. XIV. 246/2 Oxide coatings commonly have a work function of the order of 1·1 ev.
So ˈoxide v. [ad. F. oxider (‘métaux oxidés’, Nomencl. Chim. 1787), now oxyder] = oxidize.
1798Nicholson's Jrnl. Jan. 458 The iron does not form ink with the gallic acid, but in proportion as it is oxided.1806Med. Jrnl. XV. 274 Some of the mercury is, by the action of the air,..oxyded.

red oxide: see red a. 17 e.

