
单词 over-populate
释义 ˌover-ˈpopulate, v.
[over- 27, 22.]
1. trans. To overstock with people, over-people. (Chiefly in pa. pple.)
1870Emerson Soc. & Solit. vii. 132 When Europe is over-populated, America and Australia crave to be populated.1882in A. R. Wallace Land National. (ed. 3) 83 By the clearances one part is depopulated and the other over-populated.
2. To exceed in population.
1868Bushnell Mor. Uses Dark Th. vii. 152 The new solidarity in good..will thus overpopulate and virtually live down the more corrupted families.
So ˈover-popuˈlation; ˈover-ˈpopulous a. (whence ˈover-ˈpopulousness).
1798Malthus Popul. (1817) I. v. 117 Over-populousness would at all times increase the natural propensity of savages to war.1823J. S. Mill in Black Dwarf XI. 754 Not only the master manufacturer but the landowner also, has an interest in over population.1826Malthus Diary 10 July (1966) 265 Landlord at Kenmore complained of the drought, the fall in the price of cattle, and the overpopulation of the country.1862Ruskin Unto this Last 99 There is not yet, nor will yet for ages be, any real over-population in the world.1959A. Huxley Let. 26 Nov. (1969) 880 It may turn out to be hideously tragic when their efforts to modernize the country break down under the combined pressures of inefficiency and over-population.1971Daily Tel. (Colour Suppl.) 3 Dec. 24/3 Forrester has designed a model of the world system to try to discover the long term effects of pollution and overpopulation.1977Times 31 May 5/4 Mexico..is exporting its over⁓population.

