
单词 perverse
释义 I. perverse, n. Geom.|ˈpɜːvəs, pəˈvɜːs|
[f. next: cf. perversion 2 a.]
A figure or image in which the right and left directions of the original are reversed: such are the impression taken from any figured surface, and the image of anything seen in a plane mirror.
1895in Funk's Standard Dict.
II. perverse, a.|pəˈvɜːs|
Also 4–6 peruers.
[a. F. pervers, -e, ad. L. perversus turned the wrong way, awry, perverse, pa. pple. of pervertĕre to turn about, subvert, pervert.]
1. Turned away from the right way or from what is right or good; perverted; wicked.
c1369Chaucer Dethe Blaunche 813 The false trayteresse peruerse [v.r. peruers].1426Lydg. De Guil. Pilgr. 19003 An hunte [Satan] stoode with his horne Off chere and looke ryght pervers.1484Caxton Fables of æsop i. ix, The decepcion and flaterye of the peruers and evylle folke.1526Tindale Acts xx. 30. 1568 Bible (Bishops') Matt. xvii. 17 O faythlesse and peruerse nation, howe long shal I be with you?a1631Donne Serm. cxxxi. V. 352 It is the perversest assertion that God gives man temporall things to ensnare him.1742Young Nt. Th. vii. 866 Man's perverse, eternal War with Heav'n!1873Black Pr. Thule xiii, A perverse fancy that you are different from the people you meet.
b. Not in accordance with the accepted standard or practice; incorrect; wrong.
a1568R. Ascham Scholem i. (Arb.) 25 Peruerse iudgement, both of wordes and sentences.1850H. Rogers Ess. (1874) II. iv. 194 Perverse transfers of uncongenial idiom.1856Stanley Sinai & Pal. Introd. (1858) 47 Massive walls and colonnades, irregular and perverse in all their proportions.
c. spec. Of a verdict: Against the weight of evidence or the direction of the judge on a point of law.
1854Sir J. T. Coleridge in Ellis & Blackb. Reports (1855) III. 952 We shall grant a new trial if the verdict is perverse, but not if the evidence is merely conflicting.1884Sir J. Stephen in Law Rep. 12 Q. Bench Div. 285 If..a jury in a criminal case give a perverse verdict, the law has provided no remedy.
2. Obstinate or persistent in what is wrong; selfwilled or stubborn (in error).
1579Lyly Euphues (Arb.) 107 If women be not peruerse they shall reape profite.1609Bible (Douay) Wisd. xvi. 5 They were destroyed with the bytings of perverse serpents.1641Wilkins Math. Magick ii. vi. (1648) 192 A blind and perverse incredulity.1751Johnson Rambler No. 87 ⁋2 Perverse neglect of the most salutary precepts.1860Emerson Cond. Life, Consid. Wks. (Bohn) II. 423 The steady wrongheadedness of one perverse person irritates the best.
3. Untoward, froward; disposed to go counter to what is reasonable or required; hence, wayward, petulant, cross-grained, ill-tempered, peevish.
1412–20Lydg. Chron. Troy ii. x. (1555), This lady [Fortune] wilfull and rechles As she that is froward and peruers.1568Grafton Chron. II. 754 He was with mischarging of a speare, by fortunes peruerse countenaunce pittifully slayne.1592Shakes. Rom. & Jul. ii. ii. 96 Ile frowne and be peruerse, and say thee nay.1660F. Brooke tr. Le Blanc's Trav. 313, I married the most perverse woman in the world.1754Richardson Grandison IV. iv. 28, I touched first one hand, then the other, of the perverse baby with my lips.1873Hamerton Intell. Life x. v. (1875) 389 It is difficult for a man who feels cheerful and refreshed..to write anything morbid or perverse.
absol.1748Richardson Clarissa (1811) VI. 23, I expected that the dear perverse would begin with me with spirit and indignation.
b. Of things or events: Adverse, unpropitious.
c1440Partonope 2377 So this batayle ys perversse.1671Milton Samson 737 Though the fact more evil drew In the perverse event then I foresaw.1713Swift Cadenus & Vanessa Wks. 1755 III. ii. 29 Though by one perverse event Pallas had cross'd her first intent.
III. perˈverse, v. Obs.
[ad. obs. F. perverser, f. pervers adj.: see prec.]
trans. To pervert; to turn away from that which is good, right, or true.
1574Hellowes Gueuara's Fam. Ep. (1577) 339 Such are..accursed of God, and hated of men, who..confound iustice with tyrannie, peruerse equitie with iniquitie.1653T. Blake (title) Covenant of God entered with Man-kinde.., with the Scripture texts perversed by Mr. Tombes vindicated.

