
单词 Mede
释义 Mede, n.|miːd|
[ad. L.Mēdus, a. Gr. Μῆδος.]
1. A native or inhabitant of Media; = Median2 B.
1382, etc. [see law n.1 1 c].c1384, [see Elamite n. and a.].1568, etc. [see Persian n.1].1632Sir R. Le Grys tr. Velleius Paterc. 15 Pharnaces the Mede.1930J. D. Duff tr. Rostovtzeff's Hist. Anc. World (ed. 2) viii. 123 The Iranian tribes of Medes and Mannai..grew stronger by degrees, and their pressure upon Assyria steadily increased.1969J. Conway tr. Bengtson's Greeks & Persians i. 5 Cyaxares the Mede seized the last, ephemeral Assyrian kingdom.Ibid., Greek tradition mentions the Medes and the Assyrians in one breath.
2. A precious stone described by ancient writers, said to be found in Media. Obs.
The description in the quot. is taken from Bartholom. Angl. De Proprietatibus Rerum xvi. lxvii.
1601Chester Love's Martyr (1878), P, The Meade stone coloured like the grassie greene, Much gentle ease vnto the Goute hath donne, And helpeth those being troubled with the Spleene, Mingled with Womans milke bearing a Sonne.

