
单词 Khond
释义 Khond|kɒnd|
Also Kandh, Kond, Kondh.
[Native name.]
a. A Dravidian people inhabiting Orissa in eastern India; one of this people.
b. The language spoken by the Khonds. Also attrib. or as adj.
1852S. C. Macpherson in Jrnl. R. Asiatic Soc. XIII. 217 The ancient state of Orissa was formed chiefly from the territories of..the Khonds, the Koles, and the Sourahs.Ibid. 221 The Khond religion exists in oral traditions alone.1867[see Gond n. and a.].1881Encycl. Brit. XII. 778/2 Bishop Caldwell recognizes twelve distinct Dravidian languages:—(1) Tamil,..(10) Khond.1909E. Thurston Castes & Tribes S. India III. 398 A Kondh funeral dance in the Ganjam Māliahs.1937H. G. Rawlinson India viii. 128 Among the Khonds, one of the primitive tribes, a human victim known as the meriah was until recently sacrificed in order to secure fertility for the fields.1946R. C. Majumdar et al. Adv. Hist. India 826 To the first Lord Hardinge's Government belongs the credit of taking steps to stop the human sacrifices practised by the Khonds in Orissa.1959Chambers's Encycl. VII. 480/2 The most eastern member of the Central group [of Dravidian languages] is the language of the Khonds or Kandhs.Ibid. X. 244/2 The most interesting of the aboriginal races are the Konds.1970D. G. Mandelbaum Soc. in India II. xxii. 422 His trade is carried on with men of the Kond tribe who are rated as a clean jati by the neighbouring Oriyas.

