
单词 point-device
释义 point-deˈvice, phr., a., adv.
Forms: see point n.1; 4–5 devys, 4–6 devyse, 5 devis, 5–7 deu-, devise, 6 devyce, 5– device.
[Orig. in ME. phrase at point devis, at poynt devys, app. representing an OF. or AF. phrase *à point devis, not actually cited in Old French, which had however both the advb. phrase à point ‘to point, to the point aimed at, to the proper or utmost point or degree, to the point of perfection’, and the word devis, as ppl. adj. ‘devised, arranged’, and as n. ‘a device, arrangement, will, wish, desire’. The construction in à point devis requires the adj. sense, so that the phrase may be construed either ‘to (the) point arranged’, or, as devis à point, ‘arranged to a proper point or degree, arranged properly or to perfection’. The latter appears to M. Paul Meyer the better construction of the words.
OF. had also the phrase à devis, tout à devis.]
A. phr.
a. at point device, at or to the point of perfection, perfectly; precisely; with extreme nicety or correctness. Obs.
a1366Chaucer Rom. Rose 830 So faire, so joly, so fetys, With lymes wrought at poynt devys.Ibid. 1215 Hir nose was wrought at poynt devys.c1380Wyclif Serm. Sel. Wks. I. 122 Jesus, siþ he was boþe God and man, dide alle his dedis at point devys.c1384Chaucer H. Fame ii. 409 That saw in dreme, at poynt devys, Helle and erthe and paradys.c1386Sqr.'s T. 552 So peynted he and kembde at point deuys As wel hise wordes as his contenance.c1440Generydes 5995 Armyd thei be eche on atte poynte device. [1609E. Hoby Let. to Mr. T. H. 75 You think to blow him vp with a Syllogisme: Now then haue at your Point-deuice.]
b. So to the point device, by point device.
1542Udall Erasm. Apoph. 204 He sawe..all other thynges after a woondreful gorgeous sorte furnished euen to y⊇ pointe deuise.1575Churchyard Chippes (1817) 104 And seld they past the boundes of reasons lore; By poynte deuise they skirmished at will.
B. adj. point-device (-yse, etc.). Perfectly correct, perfect, at the point of perfection; neat or nice to the extreme; extremely precise or scrupulous.
1526Skelton Magnyf. 852 Properly drest, All poynte deuyse.1593Peele Chron. Edw. I, Wks. (Rtldg.) 379/2, I pray thee, then, defer it till the spring, That we may have our garments point-device.1600Shakes. A.Y.L. iii. ii. 401 You are rather point deuice in your accoustrements.1639J. Saltmarsh Policy 261 Thomas his faith was the worse for being so point-device.1872Longfellow Wayside Inn iii. Emma & Eginhard 35 Thus he grew up, in Logic point-device, Perfect in Grammar, and in Rhetoric nice;..A Minnesinger.1885R. L. Stevenson Prince Otto ii. i. 64 Otto looked so gay, and walked so airily, he was so well dressed and brushed and frizzled, so point-de-vice, and of such a sovereign elegance.1900C. M. Yonge Modern Broods xvii. 161 He is a little too point device, too obviously got up for the occasion!1928D. L. Sayers Ld. Peter views Body xii. 283 His double-breasted suit of navy-blue and his socks, tie, and handkerchief, all scrupulously matched, were a trifle more point-device than the best taste approves.1958Observer 28 Dec. 7/7 Odd how neat and point-device and sane they all looked.
C. adv. Completely, perfectly, to perfection; in every point; = at point device in A. arch.
c1500H. Medwall Nature (Brandl) 591, I know dyuers persones..That can you serue alway poynt deuyce.1530Palsgr. 436 This shyppe is armed or decked poynte devyse, ceste nauire est betreschée en tous poynts.1533J. Heywood Play of Love C ij, But thus was I deckt at all poyntes poynt deuyce.1601Shakes. Twel. N. ii. v. 176. 1627 W. Sclater Exp. 2 Thess. (1629) 290 When..point deuice a man must iumpe in Iudgment and practise with vs.1632Holland Cyrupædia 212 To set every thing about the body, point device by art and number.1887Daily Tel. 13 Apr. 5/2 These latter..attired point-device in the garb of ancient Athens.

