
单词 reflexive
释义 reflexive, a. and n.|rɪˈflɛksɪv|
[ad. L. type *reflexīvus: see reflex v. and -ive. Cf. F. réflexif, -ive (Cotgr. 1611), Sp. reflexivo, It. riflessivo, and see also reflective.]
A. adj.
1. a. Capable of turning or bending back. rare.
1588J. Read tr. Arcæus' Compend. Meth. 60 b, Who would not feare the force, the pearcing and power reflexiue of Quicksiluer.1884A. Daniell Princ. Physics xiv. 413 The reflexive power of flame is nearly the same as that of tracing-paper.
b. Capable of reflecting light. Obs. rare.
1676Boyle in Phil. Trans. XI. 787, I found the Confining surface very strongly reflexive.
c. Reflected (as light). Obs. rare—1.
1676Hale Contempl. ii. 201 Though the Glory of thy Essence, cannot receive any increase by this reflection, yet thou art pleased everlastingly to perpetuate this thy reflexive Glory.
a. Of mental operations: Turned or directed back upon the mind itself. Obs.
1640Bp. Reynolds Passions xxviii. 295 In those two Offices of Reason, the Transient and Reflexive act, that whereby we looke Outward on others; or Inward on our selves.1656Jeanes Mixt. Schol. Div. 42 Then the mind in it's reflexive workings can proceed in infinitum.a1708Beveridge Priv. Th. i. (1730) 1 Being not capable of a reflexive act, they know it not.
b. Capable of, inclined to, or characterized by, reflection or serious thought; reflective. Obs.
1653H. More Antid. Ath. ii. v. (1712) 53 Man, in whom there is a principle of more fine and reflexive Reason.1655–87App. Antid. (1712) 193 This must be in a knowing, passive, and reflexive Subject.1684T. Burnet Th. Earth i. 287 To the attentive and reflexive, to those that are unprejudic'd.1752School of Man (1753) 37 Their sensitive soul bears such marks of a reflexive intelligence.
c. Social Sci. Applied to that which turns back upon, or takes account of, itself or a person's self, esp. methods that take into consideration the effect of the personality or presence of the researcher on the investigation.
1934G. H. Mead Mind, Self & Society xxi. 173 Cooley and James..endeavor to find the basis of the self in reflexive affective experiences, i.e., experiences involving ‘self⁓feeling’.1957P. Lafitte Person in Psychol. 17 All learning depends on the reflexive interpretation of one's experience together with the experience of others.Ibid. 21 The psychologist's reflexive judgements will be limited by his knowledge of himself in some of the ways that his subjects' reports are limited.1970A. Gouldner Coming Crisis of Western Sociol. xiii. 489 The historical mission of a Reflexive Sociology is to transcend sociology as it now exists.Ibid. 490 A Reflexive Sociology means that we sociologists must..acquire the ingrained habit of viewing our own beliefs as we now view those held by others.1972M. Landau Polit. Theory & Polit. Sci. i. 32 A reflexive prediction is one in which the prediction is itself a factor which may materially alter the projected or anticipated outcome.1977Douglas & Johnson Existential Sociol. p. xiii, Our emphasis on the problematic and situated nature of meaningful experience contrasts..with the structuralism of Alvin Gouldner's ‘reflexive sociology’.1977R. Holland Self & Social Context v. 82 In both cases the person producing the theory is included within the subject matter he attempts to understand. The usual term for this kind of approach is ‘reflexive’, a word which has begun to appear in the human sciences..but which has long been implicit in social theory.
3. Reciprocal, correspondent. Obs.
c1642Contra-Replicant's Complaint 18 There is likewise a neare consanguinity, and reflexive benevolence of aspects between Lawes and Princes.1681J. Flavel Right. Man's Ref. 178 Nor..are our thoughts as Gods in respect of reflexive comprehension.
4. Reflecting on a person. Obs. rare—1.
a1716South Serm. (1744) X. 174, I would fain know what man..there is that does not resent an ugly reflexive word.
5. Gram. and Linguistics. Of pronouns, verbs, phrases, and their signification: Characterized by, or denoting, a reflex action on the subject of the clause or sentence.
1837G. Phillips Syriac Gram. 114 The ordinary method of expressing a reciprocal or reflexive sense.1861Max Müller Sc. Lang. viii. 299 The mere addition of certain letters, which give to every verb a negative, or causative, or reflexive, or reciprocal meaning.1867J. Hadley Ess. xi. 205 A shortened form of the reflexive pronoun.1933L. Bloomfield Language xii. 193 In English we say he washed him when actor and goal are not identical, but he washed himself (a reflexive form) when they are the same person.1979Trans. Philol. Soc. 11 We might of course propose to handle such facts by a purely local reflexive deletion rule.
6. Of a reflex character.
1871Farrar Witn. Hist. iv. 138 He reduced religion to a reflexive ceremony of empty proprieties.1888J. T. Gulick in Linn. Soc. Jrnl. XX. 200/2 Reflexive Selection is the exclusive generation of those better fitted to the relations in which the members of the same species stand to each other.1927Jrnl. Nerv. & Mental Dis. LXV. 463 We..succeeded in producing in apes..a reflexive contraction of the adductor muscles of the thigh.1971L. Koppett N.Y. Times Guide Spectator Sports i. 13 To have any chance at all, the batter, whose action must be entirely reflexive, needs protection from additional trickery.1971Sci. Amer. Aug. 74/1 A number of biologists..adopted the radical hypothesis that animal behavior was almost wholly reflexive. On this view the continually changing array of stimuli that an animal encounters as it moves through its environment was thought to produce a large part of the animal's repertory of behavior by reflexes and their mutual interactions.1975New Yorker 13 Jan. 30/2 At the end, the audience rose in an ovation—but at concerts like this one standing ovations have become reflexive.1976Nature 1 Apr. 392/1 To suggest..that the evolutionary considerations which determine the mating systems of mammals and birds have any light..to shed on the tensions and asymmetries commonly observed in human sexual relationships is to invite reflexive dismissal as a ‘sexist’.
7. Math. and Logic. Applied to any relation which always holds between a term and itself. [The sense is due to G. Vailati, who used It. riflessività reflexivity (Rivista di Matematica (1891) I. 134).]
1903B. Russell Princ. Math. xix. 159 All kinds of equality have in common the three properties of being reflexive, symmetrical, and transitive.1937R. Carnap Logical Syntax of Lang. iv. 261 Conditions which require for symmetrical, reflexive, and transitive relations the property of non-emptiness.1953A. A. Fraenkel Abstract Set Theory i. 34 Any set is equivalent to itself... Equivalence is a reflexive relation.1972F. J. Budden Fascination of Groups xx. 374 Conjugacy is a relation between the elements of a group. It is evidently reflexive (since y = 1y1-1).
B. n.
1. An object reflecting light. Obs.—1
1686Goad Celest. Bodies i. ix. 27 That there may be found as much variety in them as in other Reflexives, i.e. Plain, Convex or Concave Glasses.
2. A reflexive verb or pronoun.
1866Trans. Phil. Soc. 88 We are still capable of forming a double set of reflexives.1867J. Hadley Ess. xi. 209 The reflexive which serves to express the passive is a causal reflexive.

