
词组 loud
释义 loud /laʊd/ SEE ALL
ˌloud and ˈclear (informal) said in a very clear voice or expressed very clearly 清楚明白The message of the book is loud and clear: smoking kills.
He let us know loud and clear that he would not accept students arriving late for his lectures.
ˌout ˈloudin a voice that can be heard by other people 大声地I almost laughed out loud.
Please read the letter out loud.
OPP under your breath
for ˌcrying out ˈloud (spoken, informal) used to express anger or frustration (表示愤怒或失望)哎呀,我的天哪,真是岂有此理For crying out loud! How many times have I asked you not to do that?真是岂有此理!我告诉你多少次了不要干那种事!ˌthink aˈloudˌthink out ˈloudspeak your thoughts about sth, for example a problem, to yourself or to others, probably without organizing them as in normal speech 自言自语;念念有词‘What?’ ‘Oh, don’t worry. I was just thinking out loud.’“什么?”“哦,没事儿,我在自言自语呢。”

