
词组 life
释义 life /laɪf/ SEE ALL
be sb’s ˈlifebe the most important person or thing to sb 对某人至关重要的人(或事)My children are my life.
Writing is his life.
bring sb/sth to ˈlifemake sb/sth more lively, interesting or attractive 使更生动;使更有趣;使更有吸引力It was only her performance that brought the movie to life.
If you put a couple of pictures on the wall it might bring the room to life a bit.
come to ˈlife1. become more interesting, exciting or full of activity 变得更有趣;变得活跃起来The match finally came to life in the final minutes of the second half.
2. start to act or move as if alive 仿佛活了起来;开始动起来In my dream all my toys came to life.
frighten/scare the ˈlife out of sbfrighten sb very much 把某人吓得魂不附体;使魂飞魄散Don’t do that! You scared the life out of me creeping up on me like that!
get a ˈlife (spoken) used to tell sb to stop being boring and to do sth more interesting 来点儿有意思的Simon, all you do is sit at home all day playing video games! Get a life!
lead/live the life of Reilly/ˈRiley (informal) have a comfortable and enjoyable life without any worries 过舒适且无忧无虑的生活He inherited a lot of money and since then he’s been living the life of Riley.
life after ˈdeaththe possibility or belief that people continue to exist in some form after they die 死后再生Do you believe in life after death?
(a matter of) ˌlife and/or ˈdeath (informal) used to describe a situation that is very important or serious 性命攸关(的事情)We need that business deal, it’s a matter of life or death to the company.
It’s hardly a life-and-death decision whether we drive or take the train, is it?
the life and ˌsoul of the ˈparty (BrE) very cheerful or enthusiastic 最活跃风趣的人物;活跃分子People always expect Jane to be the life and soul of the party.
life is ˈcheap (disapproving) used to say that there is a situation in which it is not thought to be important if people somewhere die or are treated badly 视人命为草芥;人命不值钱In areas like this, drugs are hard currency and life is cheap.
(have) a life of its ˈown (of an object 某物) seeming to move or function by itself without a person touching or working it (具有)生命力;可以自行活动When he was painting, he said, the brush used to take on a life of its own and take him in directions he never intended to go.
lose your ˈlifebe killed 丧生;遇难Sixty people lost their lives in the air crash.
loss of ˈlife


Fortunately there was no loss of life in the fire.
make life ˈdifficult (for sb)cause problems for sb (给某人)找麻烦,出难题;使(某人)日子不好过She does everything she can to make life difficult for him.
make sb’s life a ˈmiserymake sb’s life very unpleasant or difficult 使某人的生活痛苦(或艰难);折磨某人Ever since he joined the company he’s made my life a misery.
Her arthritis makes her life a misery; she’s in constant pain.
the ˈman/ˈwoman in your life (informal) the man or woman that you are having a sexual or romantic relationship with 闯进你生活中的男人/女人not for the ˈlife of me, etc.used for saying that you cannot do sth, however hard you try 无论如何都不行;这辈子都别想I can’t for the life of me remember his first name.
He couldn’t for the life of him understand why she was so annoyed with him.
not on your ˈlife (spoken) used to refuse very firmly to do sth (用于断然拒绝)决不会,没门儿Go out and miss the football match on TV? Not on your life!
Lend him $50? Not on your life.
借给他 50 美元?不可能!
see ˈlifesee and experience different ways of living, for example by travelling, working with many different kinds of people, etc. 见世面;经历世事She’s done many different jobs all over the world. She’s seen life, that’s for sure.
He’s certainly seen a bit of life.
such is ˈlife (informal) used when you are disappointed about sth but know that you must accept it (表示失望但又无可奈何)这就是生活He didn’t get the prize he was hoping for. But such is life, I suppose.
take sb’s ˈlife (formal) kill sb 杀害某人;夺去某人的性命In my opinion, the state does not have the right to take a person’s life.
take your ˌlife in your ˈhandsrisk being killed, injured, attacked, etc. 冒生命危险;豁出性命;把脑袋别在裤腰带上You take your life in your hands if you let him drive.
The reason that his photos are so good is because he takes his life in his hands to get them.
take your own ˈlife (formal) kill yourself; commit suicide 自杀His children died in a house fire and shortly afterwards he took his own life.
ˌthat’s ˈlife ( ˌc’est la ˈvie from French) (spoken) used when you are disappointed about sth but know that you must accept it (表示失望但又无可奈何)这就是生活,生活就是这样Some people are born intelligent and some people are not. That’s life.
I didn’t get that job I wanted. They said I didn’t have enough experience. Oh well, c’est la vie.
there’s ˌlife in the old dog ˈyet (humorous) a person is old but is still active and enjoys life 人老心不老At 70 he’s decided to go round the world. There’s life in the old dog yet!
70 岁时,他决定周游世界。真是人老心不老!
I’m not too old to enjoy myself! There’s life in the old dog yet, you know.
this is the ˈlife!used to show that you are very happy with the situation you are in (表示非常满足)这才叫生活呢Sunshine, a swimming pool and champagne. This is the life!
to the ˈlife (of a painting, sculpture, description, etc. 绘画、雕塑、描写等) exactly like the person/thing painted, etc. 与原人/物酷似;生动逼真This new portrait really is Prince Charles to the life.
When I read her description of him, I could see him again so clearly. It was him to the life.
what a ˈlife!used to show that you think your life is very difficult or unpleasant 人生太苦了;这是什么鬼日子Three hours travelling to work in a crowded train every day. What a life!
Cooking, cleaning and ironing seven days a week. What a life!
where there’s ˈlife (, there’s ˈhope) (saying) in a terrible situation you must not give up hope because there is always a chance that it will improve 只要活着(,就有希望);留得青山在(,不怕没柴烧)The game isn’t over yet — we could still win. Where there’s life there’s hope.
比赛尚未结束 - 我们仍有获胜的机会。只要有一线希望就绝不放弃。
the bane of sb’s ˈlife/eˈxistencea person or thing that makes sb’s life unpleasant or unhappy 使某人的生活不快(或不幸)的原因;祸根;灾星That car is always breaking down! It’s the bane of my life.那辆车老抛锚!真是个祸害。 OPP a ray of sunshine (you can) bet your bottom ˈdollar/your ˈlife (on sth/that…) (informal) (you can) be certain of sth (可以)肯定,打包票;毫无疑问You can bet your bottom dollar that he’ll forget our anniversary.可以打包票,他会把我们的纪念日忘掉。breathe (new) ˈlife into sthimprove sth by introducing new ideas and making people more interested in it (给某事物)带来起色,注入活力She has breathed new life into a product that was tired and out-of-date.她给一个过时的老产品注入了生机。lead/have a ˌcharmed ˈlifehave a lot of good luck, avoiding accidents or harm 天佑神护;趋吉避祸Carol appeared to lead a charmed life, with her successful career in television, money and a happy home life.卡萝尔真是吉人天相,从事电视行业成就斐然,收入丰厚,且家庭幸福。for dear ˈlifefor your ˈlifebecause you are in danger 为了逃命;拼命地Run for your life! A tiger has escaped from the circus!快逃命吧!马戏团的一只老虎逃出来了!They were clinging for dear life to the edge of the rock.他们死命地扒着岩石的边缘。a ˈdog’s life (informal) a life in which there is not much pleasure or freedom 穷困潦倒的日子;猪狗不如的生活It’s a dog’s life having to do two jobs in order to survive.为了生存不得不打两份工,真够惨的。ˌend your ˈdays/ˈlife (in sth)spend the last part of your life in a particular state or place (在某种状态下或某处)度过余生He ended his days in poverty.他死前穷困潦倒。a ˌfact of ˈlifesomething difficult or unpleasant that cannot be changed and has to be accepted or dealt with 无法改变(或避免)的事实Taxes are a fact of life. You just have to pay them.缴税是无法避免的现实,你不能不缴。It is a fact of life that some people are born more intelligent than others.无法否认有些人天生就比别人聪明。the ˌfacts of ˈlifethe facts about sex, how babies are born, etc., especially when told to children (尤指给小孩讲的)性知识,性生活常识When do you think you should tell your children the facts of life?你觉得应该什么时候告诉孩子们一些性知识呢?be/go in fear of your ˈlifebe afraid all the time that you may be killed, attacked, etc. 一直担心会被杀(或被袭击等)After she got involved with the drug dealers, she went in fear of her life.她和那些毒品贩子有了牵连以后就一直为自己的性命担忧。ˌfight for (your) ˈlifemake a great effort to stay alive, especially when you are badly injured or seriously ill (尤指重伤或重病时)努力求生A young cyclist is fighting for his life after the accident.一位年轻的自行车手出事故后奋力求生。the ˌfright of your ˈlifean experience that makes you feel great fear 吓死了;吓了一大跳I got the fright of my life when I saw the gun pointing at me.我看到一把枪指着我时,魂都吓掉了。He gave me the fright of my life when I saw him hanging out of the window.我看到他悬在窗外,吓了一大跳。the kiss of ˈlife (BrE) 1. a method of helping sb who has stopped breathing to breathe again by placing your mouth on theirs and forcing air into their lungs 口对口的人工呼吸(法)He gave the child the kiss of life, but unfortunately it was too late to save her.他为孩子做了口对口人工呼吸,可惜为时已晚,未能救活她。2. any thing or action that saves an organization, business, etc. 拯救某组织(或企业等)的事物/行动This loan is the kiss of life that our company needs.这笔贷款是我们公司的救命钱。(as) large as ˈlife (humorous) used of sb who is seen in person, often unexpectedly (常指意外地见到本人)不容置疑,千真万确I thought she’d left the country, but there she was, large as life, in the supermarket!我以为她已经出国了,却在超市里面遇见她,没错,就是她!larger than ˈlifelooking or behaving in a way that is more interesting or exciting than other people, and so is likely to attract attention 超群;不同寻常He’s one of those larger than life characters.他是那种非常引人注目的人。lay down your ˈlife (for sb/sth) (literary) die for your country, a cause etc. (为祖国、事业等)献身,牺牲Thousands of young men laid down their lives in the war so that we could live in freedom.成千上万的年轻人在战争中牺牲,因此我们才能过上自由的生活。a (ˌnew) lease of ˈlife (BrE) (NAmE a (ˌnew) lease on ˈlife) a chance for sb/sth to live/last longer; a chance to get more enjoyment and satisfaction out of life 延长的寿命;新的生命;更愉快、更满足的新生活The successful heart operation gave him a new lease of life.这次心脏手术的成功使他重获新生。The outside of the city hall has just been thoroughly cleaned and it’s given the old place a new lease on life.市政厅的外墙刚被彻底清洗了,使得这个古老的地方焕然一新。the light of sb’s ˈlifethe person sb loves more than any other 心爱的人;心肝宝贝Elizabeth was his only child, the light of his life.伊丽莎白是他唯一的孩子,他的掌上明珠。in the prime of (your) ˈlifeat the time in your life when you are strongest or most successful 在年富力强的时期;在壮年;风华正茂时He was struck down in the prime of his life by a heart attack.他还在壮年就得了心脏病病倒了。What do you mean, I’m old? I’m still in the prime of life!你说什么,我老了?我还在盛年呢! OPP be past your/its best in real ˈlifenot the life people have in books, films/movies, plays, etc. 在现实生活中She plays the role of a pianist in the movie, but in real life she can’t play a note.在这部电影中,她扮演一名钢琴师,而在现实生活中她根本不会弹。risk ˌlife and ˈlimbrisk being killed or injured in order to do sth 冒死;不惜受伤She risked life and limb to save her son from the fire.她冒着生命危险把儿子从火中救出来。can’t do sth to ˌsave your ˈlife (informal) cannot do sth at all or can only do sth very badly 完全不会做某事;死也干不了(或干不好)某事He can’t cook to save his life.他死活不会做饭。a ˌslice of ˈlifea story, play or film/movie that shows aspects of ordinary life 现实生活的一个侧面;反映现实生活的故事(或戏剧、电影)In this book Dickens shows us a slice of nineteenth-century London life.狄更斯在这本书中向我们展示了 19 世纪伦敦生活的一个侧面。spring to/into ˈlife/ˈaction (of a person or thing 人或事物) suddenly become active or start to work 突然活跃(或运行)起来As soon as he heard the alarm bell, he sprang into action.一听到警铃响,他立即行动起来。This machine will spring into life at the touch of a button.一摁按钮这机器就会转动起来。the ˌstaff of ˈlife (literary) a basic food, especially bread 主食(尤指面包)that’s the ˌstory of my ˈlife (informal) used for saying that sth that happens to you or to another person is typical of the bad luck you always have 我就是这个命,我总是这么倒霉(表示自己总是遭遇类似的不幸经历)‘I meet somebody I really like and she tells me she’s married. That’s the story of my life!’“我遇见一个真心喜欢的人,可是她对我说她已经结婚了,我总是这么倒霉!”at ˈmy, ˈyour, etc. time of lifeat my, your, etc. age (especially used about older people) 在我(或你等)这样的年纪(尤指上了年纪)Learn to drive at my time of life? Don’t be silly!我这把年纪学开车?别傻了!have the ˌtime of your ˈlife (informal) enjoy yourself; be very happy or excited 非常快乐;玩得很痛快The children had the time of their lives at the circus.孩子们在马戏场玩得很开心。true to ˈlife (of a book, film/movie, etc. 图书、电影等) seeming real rather than invented 栩栩如生;逼真I don’t think the characters are very true to life.我觉得这些人物不是很真实。variety is the spice of ˈlife (saying) a variety of different activities, interests, places or people in your life makes it more enjoyable 生活丰富多彩才有乐趣We never go on holiday to the same place twice. It’s good to see different things, and you know what they say — variety is the spice of life.我们从不去一个地方度两次假。看看不同的东西挺好的,而且常言道,变化是生活的调味料。a walk of ˈlifea person’s job or position in society 行业;职业;阶层The people at the meeting came from all walks of life — students, writers, business people, and so on.与会人员来自各个阶层,包括学生、作家、商人等等。a/the/sb’s way of ˈlifethe typical pattern of behaviour of a person or group (个人或团体的)特有的行为方式,典型生活方式the British / rural / traditional way of life英国人/乡村/传统的生活方式

