组词“tighten your belt”的意思

词组 tighten your belt
释义 tighten your ˈbeltspend less money, eat less food, etc. because there is little available 勒紧腰带;省吃俭用In wartime everyone has to tighten their belts.战争时期大家都必须省吃俭用。We’ll have to tighten our belts if we want to save any money for a summer break this year.我们要想攒点钱今年夏天去度假,就得勒紧腰带。 OPP throw your money about/around ˈbelt-tightening


Continued government belt-tightening has helped to reduce public debt.政府持续勒紧腰带使得公债得以下降。

