
词组 voice
释义 voice /vɔɪs/ SEE ALL
be in good, poor, etc. ˈvoicebe singing well, badly, etc. 歌唱得好(或坏等);嗓子好(或坏等)The soprano was in excellent voice.
give ˈvoice to sthexpress your feelings, worries, etc. 表露(心声);表白(心迹)The speaker stopped, allowing the crowd time to give voice to their frustration and feelings.
keep your ˈvoice downused to tell sb to speak more quietly 说话小声点Keep your voices down, won’t you? The children are asleep.
make your ˈvoice heardexpress your opinions, feelings, etc. so that other people hear or notice 发表意见;表达情感This programme gives ordinary people a rare chance to make their voices heard.
a voice (crying) in the ˈwildernessa warning of a danger given by a person or small group which most people do not pay any attention to 旷野里的呼唤;无人理睬的警告A few scientists in the early 1980s were warning of the dangers of AIDS but nobody took them seriously. They were just a voice in the wilderness.
ORIGIN This comes from a description of John the Baptist in the Bible. 这个习语源于《圣经》中对施洗者圣约翰的描述。
with ˌone ˈvoice (of a group of people 一群人) in complete agreement 异口同声;众口一词It’s very rare to find the unions and management speaking with one voice, but on the question of safety at work there is total agreement.
find your ˈvoice/ˈtongue (informal) finally be able to speak after being too nervous or shy to do so 终于能够(克服紧张或羞涩)开口说话He sat silent through the first half of the meeting before he found his tongue.他一直坐着不吭声,会都开了一半,他才缓过神来开口说话。raise a/your voice aˈgainst sb/sthsay publicly that you do not agree with sb’s actions, plans, etc. 大声疾呼抗议;公开反对(某人的行动、计划等)He was the only person to raise his voice against the plan.他是唯一一个公开反对这项计划的人。raise your ˈvoicespeak in a louder voice, often because you are angry (常指因愤怒)提高嗓门,高声说话Don’t raise your voice at me. It wasn’t my fault.别冲我大声嚷嚷,这不是我的错。They heard raised voices and saw two men engaged in an argument.他们听到大声喧闹,看到两个男人在争吵。like, love, etc. the ˌsound of your own ˈvoice (disapproving) talk too much, usually without listening to others 喜欢说个没完(而不愿听别人说话)That man does like the sound of his own voice. We couldn’t stop him talking.那人可真能说,我们没法让他停下来。the still small ˈvoicethe voice of your conscience, especially when you are thinking of doing sth wrong or bad 良心的呼唤at the top of your ˈvoicevery loudly 放开嗓子;大声地He was shouting at the top of his voice.他扯开了嗓门叫喊。 OPP in an undertone

