
单词 insinuate
释义 insinuate v 1 [Tn, Dn.pr, Tf, Dpr.f] ~ sth (to sb) suggest sth (to sb) unpleasantly and indirectly (向某人)旁敲侧击示意某事物     What are you insinuating? 你旁敲侧击, 究竟指的是什麽?     Are you insinuating that I am a liar? 你绕来绕去是否暗指我撒谎? 2 [Tn.pr] ~ sth/oneself into sth (fml 文) place sth/oneself smoothly and stealthily into sth 使某事物[自己]悄然潜入某事物中     insinuate one´s body/person into a narrow opening 使自己的身体[自己]小心翼翼地钻入狭窄的孔隙中     (fig derog 比喻, 贬) insinuate oneself into sb´s favour, ie ingratiate oneself with sb 巧妙地逐渐取得某人的宠信.

