
单词 register
释义 register n 1 (book containing an) official list or record of names, items, attendances, etc 登记; 注册; 注册簿; 登记表; 登记簿     a parish register, ie listing births, marriages and deaths 牧区登记册(记载出生、 婚丧等事项)     Lloyd´s Register (of Shipping) 劳埃德船级社     the electoral register/the register of voters, ie of people entitled to vote 选民名册     make entries in a register 登记入册     The class teacher called the (names on the) register. 任课教师点了名. 2 mechanical device for indicating or recording speed, force, numbers, etc automatically 记录器(自动显示或记录速度、 力度、 数量等的装置)     a cash register 现金出纳机. 3 (part of the) range of a human voice or a musical instrument (人声或乐器的)声区     notes in the upper/middle register 高[中]声区     the lower register of a clarinet, tenor, etc 单簧管、 男高音等的低声区. 4 (linguistics 语言) range of vocabulary, grammar, etc used by speakers in particular social circumstances or professional contexts 语域(在特定社交场合或专业领域中人们使用的词汇、 语法等的范围)     the informal register of speech 通俗语体     specialist registers of English, eg for legal, financial, etc matters 英语的专门术语(如法律、 金融等术语). 5 adjustable metal plate for widening or narrowing an opening and regulating draught, esp in a fire-grate 节气门, 调风器(尤指炉箅中的). register v 1 [I, Ipr, Tn, Tn.pr, Cn.a only passive 只用於被动语态, Cn.n/a esp passive 尤用於被动语态] ~ (at/for/with sth); ~ sth (in sth); ~ sb as sth formally record (a name, an event, a sale, etc) in a list 登记(姓名、 事项、 销售额等); 注册; 记录     register at a hotel, ie book in as a guest 登记入住旅馆     You must register with the police, the embassy, etc. 你应该向警方、 使馆等登记.     Where can I register (ie enrol as a student) for the Arabic course? 我学习阿拉伯语课程到哪里注册?     register one´s car, the birth of a child, a patent 登记自己的汽车、 小孩的出生日、 专利     a State Registered Nurse, ie one who is officially registered 国家注册护士     register the house in your name 把房子登记在你的名下     She is registered (as) disabled. 她已登记为伤残者. 2 [Tn, Tn.pr] ~ sth (with sb); ~ sth (at sth) present sth formally in writing for consideration (以书面形式)提出某事以便考虑     register a complaint with the authorities 向当局提出申诉     register a strong protest at the government´s action 对政府的行动提出强烈抗议. 3 (a) [I, Tn] (of figures,etc) be indicated or recorded; (of measuring instruments) indicate or record (figures, etc) automatically (指数字等)被显示或记录; (指测量仪器)自动显示或记录(数 字等)     Loss of pressure had not registered on the dials. 刻度盘未记录压力下降.     The thermometer registered 32C.温度计显示的读数为32C. (b) [Tn] (of a person, his face, his actions, etc) show (emotion, etc) (指人、 人的面孔、 动作等)显出, 流露(情绪等)     He slammed the door to register his disapproval. 他砰的一声把门关上以示不满.     Her face registered dismay. 她脸上流露出惊慌的神色. 4 [I, Ipr, Tn, Tf] ~ (with sb) (infml 口) (of facts, etc) be mentally recorded or fully realized; (of people) remember or notice (sth) (指事实等)铭记在心, 充分了解; (指人)记住或注意到(某事物)     Her name didn´t register (with me). 我没记住她的名字.     I registered (the fact) that he was late. 我注意到他迟到了. 5 (a) [Tn] send (letters, etc) by post, paying extra for compensation against loss or damage 挂号邮寄(信等)     It´s wise to register letters containing banknotes. 信中夹钞票最好寄挂号. (b) [esp passive 尤用於被动语态     Tn, Tn.pr] ~ sth (to sth) send (luggage) by rail or sea, paying extra for compensation against loss or damage (由铁路或海路)挂号托运(行李)     sea baggage registered to Rio 由海路挂号托运到里约热内卢的行李.

