
词组 carry

■ carry

说某个行为 carry 某一惩罚时,并不是说这个惩罚已经成为事实,而只是说按照法律规定应该或可能受到这种惩罚,是个概括性的说法,动词的体是延续状态,可以有一般现在时。

  • Adultery in most cultures carried the death penalty.从前在大多数文化区,通奸是会处死刑的。
  • Violations of rules carry automatic fines.违反规则会自动被处以罚款。
  • Prosecutors said they had not determined which penalties they would seek (against former Illinois Governor George Ryan), but the counts carry maximum sentences ranging from 3 years to 20. (The New York Times, April 28, 2006, A20)检察官们说,他们还没有决定要求判处怎样的刑罚,但是几项罪名可以判处三年到二十年的最高刑期。

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