组词“hold your breath”的意思

词组 hold your breath
释义 hold your ˈbreath1. stop breathing for a short time, for example because you are afraid of sth or very anxious about sth (因害怕或担心等而)屏住呼吸I held my breath as the car skidded towards me.
2. be anxious while you are waiting for sth that you are worried about 屏息以待;焦虑地等待‘When will you hear about your job application?’ ‘Not till next week. I’m holding my breath until then.’
3. (informal, don’t hold your breathused for telling sb that it’s not worth waiting for sth 不用费心等待;不要抱太大希望We’ll let you know if there’s any work for you, but don’t hold your breath.

