
单词 sunshine
释义 sunshine n [U] 1 light and heat of the sun 太阳的光和热; 阳光     sitting out in the bright/warm sunshine 坐在室外灿烂[温暖]的阳光下. 2 (fig infml 比喻, 口) cheerfulness 快活; 愉快     the loss of her closest friend which took the sunshine out of her life 她那最亲密友伴的丧生, 使她在生活中失去欢愉. 3 (Brit infml 口) (used for addressing sb, usu in a cheerful and friendlyway 用作称呼语, 通常表示快活和友好)     Hello, sunshine!喂, 你好! 4 (idm 习语) a ray of sunshine => ray. ,sunshine `roof = sun-roof.

