
单词 camouflage
释义 camouflage n 1 [U] way of hiding or disguising soldiers, military equipment, etc, eg with paint, netting or leaves, so that they look like part of their surroundings (军事上的)伪装, 掩饰     use the branches of trees as camouflage 用树枝伪装. 2 [C] such a disguise 伪装; 掩饰     The polar bear´s white fur is a natural camouflage, ie because the bear is hard to see in the snow. 北极熊的白色毛皮是天然的保护色. camouflage, v [Tn] hide (sb/sth) by camouflage 用伪装遮掩(某人[某事物])     The soldiers camouflaged themselves with leaves and branches. 士兵们用树枝树叶把自己伪装起来.

