
单词 子壳
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔coconut milk〕The watery fluid in the central cavity of the coconut, used chiefly as a beverage.椰子汁:椰子壳中的水状液体,主要用来做饮料美国传统〔cotton gin〕A machine that separates the seeds, seed hulls, and other small objects from the fibers of cotton.轧棉机,轧花机:用来把种子、种子壳和其他小东西和绵纤维分开的机器美国传统〔cup〕They had coconut shells cupped in their hands.他们用手捧着椰子壳外研社新世纪〔fibre〕Coir is a strong material made from coconut fibres.椰子壳纤维是用椰子的纤维制造的一种坚硬的材料。麦克米伦高阶〔mazaedium〕A fruiting body of some lichens in which the spores lie freely in a powdery mass that is enclosed in a peridium.(地衣孢子的)粉状物:一些地衣的子实体在它内部孢子自由分布于一个被包于子壳内的粉状团美国传统〔spit〕He was spitting out the husks of sunflower seeds on the floor.他把葵花子壳吐在地板上。英汉大词典〔theca〕A case, covering, or sheath, such as the pollen sac of an anther, the spore case of a moss, or the outer covering of the pupa of certain insects.壳,鞘:盖,表层或鞘,如花药的花粉囊,苔藓的孢子壳或菜昆虫的蛹外壳美国传统〔valence electron〕An electron in an outer shell of an atom that can participate in forming chemical bonds with other atoms.价电子:参与或其他原子形成化合键的原子外层电子壳层的电子美国传统The fuel used is almost invariably charcoal made from wood or coconut shells.使用的燃料几乎总是由木头或椰子壳生产的木炭。剑桥国际

