
单词 最主要
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔FAMILY〕Marty Rogers (no relation to Governor Rogers) is one of the governor's biggest critics. 马蒂·罗杰斯〔与罗杰斯州长并无亲属关系〕是州长最主要的批评者之一。朗文写作活用〔INDEPENDENT〕Stan was intellectual, confident and above all, his own man. 斯坦这人聪明自信,最主要的是很有主见。朗文写作活用〔Juno〕The principal goddess of the Pantheon, the wife and sister of Jupiter and the patroness primarily of marriage and the well-being of women.朱诺:罗马万神庙里最主要的女神,朱庇特的妻子亦是其姐姐,主司婚姻和妇女的安康美国传统〔MAIN〕Money always lies at the heart of our fights. 钱总是我们吵架的最主要的原因。朗文写作活用〔MAIN〕When we visited the country, our predominant impression was one of poverty and hardship. 访问该国时,我们对其最主要的印象就是贫穷与困苦。朗文写作活用〔benign prostatic hyperplasia〕The principal underlying cause of men's urinary tract symptoms is benign prostatic hyperplasia.男性尿道症状的最主要原因是良性前列腺增生。剑桥高阶〔body〕Anatomy The largest or principal part of an organ; corpus.【解剖学】 主干:有机体最大和最主要的部分;主体美国传统〔cause〕Smoking is the biggest preventable cause of death and disease.吸烟是死亡和疾病的最主要的可预防原因。外研社新世纪〔chief〕He has many concerns, chief among them his health.他担忧很多事,其中最主要的是他的健康。韦氏高阶〔comb〕The fleshy crest or ridge that grows on the crown of the head of domestic fowl and other birds and is most prominent in the male.肉冠:长在家禽或其他鸟头部冠上的肉冠或肉脊,最主要是长在雄性头上美国传统〔contributor〕Carbon dioxide is the largest contributor to the greenhouse effect.二氧化碳是导致温室效应的最主要原因。牛津搭配〔edge out〕Efficiency has edged out price as the top reason people give for buying the car.效能已经逐渐取代价格成为人们购车的最主要考虑因素。韦氏高阶〔electrogenesis〕The most important role of electrogenesis in animals is in the propagation of nerve impulses.动物体内产生电的最主要作用在于传播神经冲动。英汉大词典〔element〕A fundamental, essential, or irreducible constituent of a composite entity.元素,基本要素:一个组合整体中的基本的、最主要的、不可再缩小的组成成分美国传统〔essential〕Her most essential quality is kindness.她最主要的品德是和善。英汉大词典〔exponent〕She has become one of America's foremost exponents of the romantic style in interior design.她已成为美国室内设计浪漫主义风格的最主要代表人物之一。韦氏高阶〔great〕The great advantage is that this place is so near to town.最主要的便利条件是这个地方离城镇非常近。麦克米伦高阶〔group together〕The G-7 organization groups together the world's seven leading industrialized nations.七国集团把世界上最主要的七个工业国家聚合在一起。外研社新世纪〔group〕The G-7 organization groups together the world's seven leading industrialized nations.七国集团将世界上7个最主要的工业国家归在一起。柯林斯高阶〔king〕He is leaving the industry when coal is king again.当煤再次成为最主要的燃料时他恰恰准备离开煤炭业。英汉大词典〔leading〕The army played a leading role in organizing the attempted coup.军队在策划这场未遂政变中起了最主要的作用。朗文当代〔lifework〕The chief or entire work of a person's lifetime.主要工作:一个人毕生从事的工作,一生中最主要的工作美国传统〔lunchtime〕Some people prefer to eat their main meal at lunchtime.有些人喜欢把午餐当成一天里最主要的一餐。朗文当代〔main deck〕The principal deck of a large vessel.主甲板:大船的最主要的甲板美国传统〔mainstay〕Fish is a mainstay of their diet.鱼是他们最主要的食物。韦氏高阶〔main〕Speed is the main advantage of this approach.这种方法最主要的优点是速度。韦氏高阶〔main〕What do you consider to be the main problem? 你认为最主要的问题是什么?朗文当代〔man of the house〕The primary male member of a household.家长:一个家庭中最主要的男性成员美国传统〔manufacturer〕They are one of the country's leading manufacturers of children's clothing.他们是全国最主要的儿童服装生产商之一。韦氏高阶〔most〕Most of all , I just felt sad that it was over.最主要是我就是觉得伤心,一切都结束了。朗文当代〔mummer〕Disguise is a central element in Christmas mummering.圣诞节表演最主要的是化装。英汉大词典〔number one〕Rule number one is don't get caught! 最主要的就是不要被抓住!韦氏高阶〔one-way〕Smoking is a one-way ticket to doom and is probably the most important single preventable cause of heart disease.吸烟注定会带来恶果,它或许是最主要的而且是唯一一个可以预防的心脏病诱因。柯林斯高阶〔paymaster〕As the main EU paymaster, Germany contributes £8 billion annually more than it gets back from Brussels.作为欧盟最主要的财务贡献者, 德国每年给欧盟的钱要比从欧盟那里得到的多80亿英镑。外研社新世纪〔primary〕The primary aim of the treatment was to reduce suffering.这项治疗最主要目的在于减少痛苦。外研社新世纪〔primo〕The principal part in a duet or ensemble composition.第一声部:合(重)奏或合(重)唱中最主要的部分美国传统〔principal〕That was my principal reason for moving.那是我搬家最主要的原因。剑桥高阶〔principal〕The principal reason for my change of mind is this.这是我改变主意的最主要原因。柯林斯高阶〔real〕Novelty value may be a part of it, but the real reason people like our paper is that it speaks the truth.有创意或许是一个方面,但人们喜欢本报的最主要原因是它讲真话。剑桥高阶〔refocus〕Sports are not a priority now. You need to refocus and improve your grades.现在运动不是最主要的事,你得把注意力放到提高成绩上。韦氏高阶〔sanguine〕Having blood as the dominant humor in terms of medieval physiology.多血质的:在中世纪的生理学中把血液作为最主要的体液的美国传统〔self-expression〕The conflict between the urge for self-expression and the pressure to conform is a central one for her.想要表现自我的欲望和被迫从众的压力对她来说是一个最主要的冲突。柯林斯高阶〔spearhead〕The driving force in a given action, endeavor, or movement.先锋:行动、事业或运动中的最主要的力量美国传统〔spirit〕The vital principle or animating force within living beings.活力:生命体中最主要或有生命力的力量美国传统〔stick〕The thing that sticks out to me is that they need more help than they're getting.我觉得最主要的问题是他们需要更多的帮助。朗文当代〔television〕Britain's leading commercial television network英国最主要的商业电视网络外研社新世纪〔terms〕Our goods compete in terms of product quality, reliability and above all variety.我们的商品在产品质量、可靠性而且最主要的是多样性上进行竞争。外研社新世纪〔to〕The main thing is to try.最主要的是去尝试。外研社新世纪〔upmost〕Uppermost.最高的,最上面的,最重要的,最突出的,最显著的,最主要美国传统〔uppermost〕The peace issue remains uppermost.和平问题仍然是最主要的问题。英汉大词典A disagreement about boundaries is at the heart of (=is the most important part of) the two countries’dispute.两国最主要的争议是对于边界不能达成共识。剑桥国际Beethoven, Schumann and Chopin were leading Romantic composers.贝多芬、舒曼及肖邦是最主要的浪漫主义作曲家。剑桥国际Disneyworld is one of Florida's major tourist attractions.迪斯尼乐园是佛罗里达最主要的旅游点之一。剑桥国际Key protagonists of the revolution were hunted down and executed.这次革命最主要的拥护者被追捕和迫害。剑桥国际Our primary objective is to destroy the enemy's missile launchers.我们最主要的目的是破坏敌人的导弹发射架。剑桥国际Portillo is one of the leading proponents of capital punishment.波蒂罗是死刑最主要的支持者之一。剑桥国际The discussion centered on the most important question. 讨论围绕著最主要的问题展开。译典通The idea was to modernize various aspects of the house without changing its essential character.这个主意是将房子的各个方面现代化而不改变它最主要的特征。剑桥国际The main problem the new government faces is rising inflation and the worthlessness of the currency.新政府面临的最主要问题即日益增大的通货膨胀和货币的贬值。剑桥国际The minister suggested that the dire prophecies of certain leading environmentalists were somewhat exaggerated.部长暗示说某些最主要的环境保护论者所作的可怕预言是有所夸张的。剑桥国际The most important precondition was that all the participants should agree to a cease-fire.最主要的前提是所有的参与者应该同意停火。剑桥国际The principal reason for moving was to find a house in a more peaceful neighbourhood.搬家最主要的原因是为了在更安宁的地区找一所房子。剑桥国际Tourism is our largest source of foreign exchange.旅游业是我们最主要的外汇来源。牛津商务Turner and Constable were the leading Romantic painters in Britain.透纳与康斯特布尔是英国最主要的浪漫主义画家。剑桥国际

