
单词 回购
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔buy-back〕The company announced an extensive stock buy-back program.公司宣布了一个大量回购股权的方案。柯林斯高阶〔buyback〕An act of buying something that one previously sold or owned.回购:购买曾经售出或拥有的物品美国传统〔buyback〕His company have just announced a $1 billion stock buyback.他的公司刚刚宣布回购了10亿美元的股票。剑桥高阶〔buyback〕The repurchase of stock by the company that issued it, as to reduce holdings of a single investor or increase the value of shares by reducing their number.股票回购:公司重新购买已发行股票,以降低单一投资者所持有的股票,或通过减少股票数量令股票增值美国传统〔claim〕You can claim back the tax on your purchases.你可以要求退回购物时缴纳的税款。牛津高阶〔degrade〕Other moves that degrade credit quality are increasing dividend payments or share buybacks.其他降低信用质量的举动正使得股息支付或股票回购增加。外研社新世纪〔share〕The group recently announced a £300 m share buy-back.该集团最近宣布了价值 3 亿英镑股份的回购计划。牛津搭配Even after a 15% share buy-back, the company will have plenty of cash left to make acquisitions.即使回购了 15% 的股份之后,公司仍留下足够的现金作收购之用。牛津商务House repos are down this year.房屋回购今年下降了。牛津商务Our distributors are required to buy back any diverted product that can be traced to them.我们的经销商必须回购任何可以追溯到他们经手的转移市场的产品。牛津商务The book store operates a book buy-back at the end of the semester.这家书店在学期末经营图书回购业务。牛津商务The buy-in was part of the company's strategy to protect itself against a hostile takeover.回购股票是公司保护自己免遭敌意收购的部分策略。牛津商务The company is offering to buy back up to 10% of its issued capital.这家公司主动回购不超过 10% 的已发行股本。牛津商务The company might be bought back by its parent or sold to a third party.这家公司可能会被其母公司回购或者出售给第三方。牛津商务The group planned to buy back 10% of the company's stock at a tender price of $0.66-0.75 per share. 这个集团计划以每股 0.66-0.75 元的标价回购这公司 10% 的股份。牛津商务The media group will buy back and cancel 33 million shares.这传媒集团将回购并注销 3 300 万股股票。牛津商务The stock price often increases when repurchases are announced.回购消息一经宣布,股价常会上涨。牛津商务With a repurchase agreement, sellers can get short-term funds without losing their shares.有了回购协议,卖方可以在不失去股份的情况下获得短期资金。牛津商务

