
单词 找不着
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔bugger〕I put down my keys, and now I can't find the buggers.我把钥匙放下了,可现在我找不着了。韦氏高阶〔cloud〕When Michael was born I was on cloud nine.迈克尔出生的时候,我都乐得找不着北了。柯林斯高阶〔confusion〕In all the confusion, we lost sight of each other.混乱中我们找不着对方了。麦克米伦高阶〔elusive〕Eric, as elusive as ever, was nowhere to be found.埃里克神出鬼没,哪儿也找不着牛津高阶〔gear〕I couldn't find reverse gear.我找不着倒挡了。剑桥高阶〔look〕I can't find them anywhere. Have a look yourself.我哪里也找不着,你自己找吧。朗文当代〔look〕I've had a good look for it, but I can't find it.我仔细找过了,可是找不着牛津高阶〔misfile〕The missing letter had been misfiled.找不着的那封信放错地方了。牛津高阶〔most〕Most of the town was destroyed. Most of the books were missing.大多数城镇被破坏。大多数书都找不着美国传统〔nowhere〕The papers were nowhere to be found.哪儿都找不着报纸。麦克米伦高阶〔rhythm〕Williams is having trouble finding her rhythm on the serve.威廉姆斯找不着发球的节奏。牛津搭配〔round〕She looked round the room for Leo, but he was nowhere to be seen.她在房间里四处找利奥,但哪儿都找不着麦克米伦高阶〔swollen head〕Don't compliment him any more, or he'll get a swollen head.不要再表扬他了,不然他就找不着北了。剑桥高阶〔them〕I've lost my keys. I can't find them anywhere.我的钥匙丢了,到处都找不着剑桥高阶〔touch〕You haven't sold anything today. You must be losing your touch.你今天什么也没卖出去,你肯定是找不着感觉了。麦克米伦高阶〔typically〕Typically, she couldn't find her keys.她果然又找不着自己的钥匙了。牛津高阶I asked you not to move my shoes--now I can't find them.我让你不要动我的鞋子的----现在我找不着它们了。剑桥国际I lost my place in my book when the pages flipped over in the wind.风将我的书页吹乱,我找不着读到的那页了。剑桥国际Sometimes he gets in a fuddle and then he can't find things.有时,他陷入一片混乱,然后就东西也找不着剑桥国际The commander was said to be unavailable --it turned out that the real problem was that none of his men wanted to risk disturbing him.据说指挥官找不着----实际上真正的问题是他的手下没一个想冒险打搅他。剑桥国际

