
单词 不包括
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔CLIMB〕Accident insurance does not cover you for dangerous activities such as rock climbing. 意外保险责任范围并不包括你所从事的危险活动,譬如攀岩。朗文写作活用〔DETAIL〕A close study of the small print will reveal that many of these insurance policies do not cover the cost of repairing storm damage. 如果把细则仔细研究一下,就会发现这其中许多保险单不包括风暴所造成的损坏的修理费。朗文写作活用〔FREE〕Many activities are available at the hotel at no extra cost, but theatre trips and excursions are not included. 酒店内的许多活动都不另外收费,但看戏和外出观光不包括在内。朗文写作活用〔INCLUDE/NOT INCLUDE〕The fully fitted kitchen costs $5,000, exclusive of tax. 厨房的全套设备的价格为5,000美元,不包括税款。朗文写作活用〔INCLUDE/NOT INCLUDE〕The rent is £80 a week, exclusive of bills. 租金每周80英镑,不包括水电等。朗文写作活用〔INCLUDE/NOT INCLUDE〕The toy has flashing lights and a siren noise, but batteries are not included. 这个玩具包含有闪光灯和警报器,但不包括电池。朗文写作活用〔airframe〕The structure of an aircraft, such as an airplane, a helicopter, or a rocket, exclusive of its power plant.机体,弹体,构架:航空器的构架,如飞机、直升机、火箭,不包括发电机美国传统〔animal〕An animal organism other than a human being, especially a mammal.兽,牲畜:不包括人在内的动物,尤指哺乳动物美国传统〔aside〕He'd eaten half a loaf of bread, and that was aside from the sandwich he'd had earlier.他吃了半条面包,那还不包括早些时候吃的三明治。麦克米伦高阶〔bandpass filter〕A filter designed to transmit a particular band of electromagnetic frequencies while excluding those of higher or lower frequencies.带通滤波片,带通滤波器:用来传送特定电磁频率(不包括较高或较低频率)带的滤波器美国传统〔base pay〕An amount or a rate of compensation for a specified position of employment or activity excluding any other payments or allowances.基本工资,底薪:补偿给特定职位的雇员或活动的一定数量或比率的薪金,不包括其它的报酬或津贴美国传统〔beverage〕Any one of various liquids for drinking, usually excluding water.饮料:任一种饮用的液体,通常不包括水在内美国传统〔brief〕It wasn't part of his brief to speak to the press.交付他的任务不包括向新闻界发言。牛津高阶〔calvarium〕A skull that lacks the lower jaw or the lower jaw and the facial parts.脑壳:头盖骨,不包括下颚或下颚和面部美国传统〔cost〕This doesn't include the cost of repairing the damage.这不包括修复破损的费用。朗文当代〔count〕There are more than two thousand of us, not counting the crew.我们有两千多人,不包括工作人员在内。朗文当代〔cytosol〕The fluid component of cytoplasm, excluding organelles and the insoluble, usually suspended, cytoplasmic components.细胞溶质:细胞质的液体成分,不包括细胞器官和不溶性物质,通常为悬浮的细胞质成分美国传统〔excepting〕With the exception of.不包括美国传统〔except〕Certain risks may be excepted from the terms of an insurance contract.保险合同的条款中可能不包括某些风险。麦克米伦高阶〔exclude〕Prices exclude electricity and heating.价格不包括电费和采暖费。外研社新世纪〔exclude〕Some of the data was specifically excluded from the report.这篇报道特意不包括有些数据。朗文当代〔exclude〕The price excludes local taxes.这个价格不包括地方税。剑桥高阶〔exclude〕The prices on the menu exclude tax.菜单上的价格不包括税金。韦氏高阶〔exclude〕There were 30 people in the hotel, excluding the hotel workers.旅馆里有30个人,不包括旅馆工作人员。英汉大词典〔exclude〕These figures exclude cash receipts.这些数字不包括现金收入。麦克米伦高阶〔excluding〕Television is watched in 97 per cent of American homes (excluding Alaska and Hawaii).在美国,97% 的家庭收看电视(不包括阿拉斯加和夏威夷)。朗文当代〔excluding〕The average cost, excluding insurance, is around $600 a year.不包括保险,每年的平均费用大约为600美元。麦克米伦高阶〔exclusion〕Check the list of exclusions in the insurance policy.检查一下保险单上不包括的项目。牛津高阶〔exclusiveness〕All charges for service are exclusive of value added tax.所有服务费都不包括增值税。柯林斯高阶〔exclusive〕Is the total exclusive of service charges? 总金额是不是不包括服务费?剑桥高阶〔exclusive〕On those dates we have a suite for $675, exclusive of 21% tax.那几天我们住675美元的套房, 不包括21%的税。外研社新世纪〔exclusive〕Our prices are exclusive of sales tax.我们的价格不包括销售税。朗文当代〔exclusive〕The cost is £20 exclusive of shipping and handling.费用为20英镑,不包括运输和搬运费。麦克米伦高阶〔exclusive〕The hotel charges £6 a day, exclusive of meals.这家旅馆收费每天6镑,不包括饭钱。英汉大词典〔exclusive〕There were four of us exclusive of the guide.我们共4人,不包括向导。英汉大词典〔extend〕The offer does not extend to employees' partners.这项优惠不包括雇员的伴侣。牛津高阶〔extend〕The offer doesn't extend to nonmembers.这种特价优惠不包括非会员。韦氏高阶〔ex〕The price is £1 500 ex VAT.价格为 1 500 英镑,不包括增值税。牛津高阶〔good〕The house insurance will not cover your personal goods.这份房屋保险的承保范围不包括你的私人动产。剑桥高阶〔hull〕Nautical The frame or body of a ship, exclusive of masts, engines, or superstructure.【航海】 船壳,船体:船的框架或主体,不包括桅杆、发动机和上层建筑美国传统〔inorganic〕Chemistry Of or relating to compounds not containing hydrocarbon groups.【化学】 无机的:属于或关于不包括各种碳氢化合物的混合物的美国传统〔interval〕Mathematics A line segment representing all the numbers between a pair of given numbers and including one, both, or neither of the endpoints.【数学】 区间段:代表一对已知数之间包括一个或两个端点、或不包括端点的所有数的一直线段美国传统〔lily-white〕Informal Excluding or seeking to exclude Black people.【非正式用语】 不包括或(欲)排斥黑人的美国传统〔merit〕Law A party's strict legal rights, excluding jurisdictional, personal, or technical aspects.【法律】 法律权力:一个政党的绝对法律权威,不包括司法、私人或技术等方面美国传统〔merit〕The factual content of a matter, apart from emotional, contextual, or formal considerations.是非:一事件事实内容的是非,不包括感情、法律、正式考虑等成分美国传统〔mileage〕The car rental included unlimited mile age, but not fuel.汽车租金不限里程,但不包括燃油费。牛津高阶〔mind〕Bear in mind that the price does not include flights.记住: 这个价格里不包括机票钱。朗文当代〔net〕The net weight of something excludes the weight of the material that it is packed in.净重不包括包装材料的重量。剑桥高阶〔omit〕Two groups were omitted from the survey — the old and women.调查中不包括两种人——老人和妇女。英汉大词典〔overhead〕The operating expenses of a business, including the costs of rent, utilities, interior decoration, and taxes, exclusive of labor and materials.管理费用,经常费用:企业的管理费用,包括租金、设备、内部装修及缴税等的花销,但不包括工资和购买原料的费用美国传统〔over〕This £151 million is over and above the government's previous spending plans.这151亿英镑不包括在政府先前的支出计划里。麦克米伦高阶〔seminal fluid〕Semen, especially the fluid part of semen without the spermatozoa.精液:精液,尤其指精液中不包括精子的液体部分美国传统〔sole〕The underside of a shoe or boot, often excluding the heel.鞋底:鞋子或靴子的底面,往往不包括后跟美国传统〔soma〕The entire body of an organism, exclusive of the germ cells.体细胞:某一有机体的整个身体,不包括生殖细胞美国传统〔take back〕The government has agreed to take back those people who are considered economic rather than political refugees.政府同意让那些被认为是经济难民的人回国,但政治难民不包括在内。柯林斯高阶〔throw-weight〕The total weight of the warhead or warheads, guidance systems, and other payload of a missile, not including the weight of the rocket.有效载荷:导弹的弹头、制导系统及其它有效负荷的总重量,不包括火箭重量美国传统〔torso〕The human body excluding the head and limbs; trunk.(人体的)躯干:不包括头部和四肢的人的身体;躯体美国传统〔turntable〕A phonograph exclusive of amplifying circuitry and speakers.录音转播机:不包括放大电路和扬声器的唱机美国传统〔vegetarianism〕The practice of subsisting on a diet composed primarily or wholly of vegetables, grains, fruits, nuts, and seeds, with or without eggs and dairy products.素食主义:靠食用主要或全部由蔬菜、谷物、水果、干果和种子构成的(包括或不包括蛋类和乳制品)日常食物,维持生存的做法美国传统A carefully worded questionnaire (excluding turn-off words such as ‘arts’and ‘culture’ found that more than 90% of the people wanted good theatres and museums to be available.一份措辞谨慎的问答卷(不包括叫人倒胃口的东西, 如‘艺术’和‘文化’等)发现90%的人希望有条件好的剧院和博物馆。剑桥国际All-risk policies often have a war and related risks exclusion.一切险保险单通常不包括战争及相关的风险。牛津商务Liquor includes drinks like whisky and gin, but not beer or wine, and it is produced by distillation rather than fermentation.烈性酒包括诸如威士忌和杜松子酒之类的饮料,但不包括啤酒和葡萄酒,而且它是通过蒸馏而不是通过发酵制成的。剑桥国际Meat must be marked with its net weight, excluding packaging.肉类必须标示净重,不包括包装重量。牛津商务The Princess's tour conveniently omitted the most deprived areas of the city.王妃之行取巧图便地不包括这个城市最贫穷的地区。剑桥国际The aircraft carries 461 people excluding (= apart from) the crew and cabin staff.飞机共载461人,不包括机组人员和客舱服务员。剑桥国际The cost of borrowing has been excluded from the inflation figures.通货膨胀数据中不包括借贷成本。牛津商务The guarantee applies to manufacturing faults, not to normal wear and tear.保修仅限于制造缺陷,不包括正常的磨损。牛津商务The house insurance will not cover your personal goods.房屋保险将不包括你的个人物品。剑桥国际The net weight of something excludes the weight of the material that it is packed in.某物的净重不包括包装材料的重量。剑桥国际The price excludes local taxes.价格不包括地方税。剑桥国际The price of the trip excludes insurance.旅费不包括保险。牛津商务The price quoted is exclusive of VAT.所报价格不包括增值税。牛津商务The warranty does not include expendable items such as tyres and batteries.该质量保证不包括轮胎和电池之类的不可回收品。牛津商务The washer and dryer are not included in the price of the house. 房价里不包括洗衣机和烘干机。译典通There are ten people, not counting the guide. 不包括向导,共有十人。译典通There were 7 of them exclusive of the guide. 她们一行共七人,不包括向导。译典通This type of policy does not cover loss of or damage to your own vehicle.这种保险单不包括你自己车辆的损失或损坏。牛津商务Your contract does not include a compulsory retirement age.你的合同不包括强制退休年龄。牛津商务

