
单词 想不到
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔ARRIVE〕I thought we were going straight home, but we all ended up at Tom's place. 我以为我们是直接回家,想不到却都来到了汤姆的家里。朗文写作活用〔COMPLETELY〕Help came from a wholly unexpected source. 支援的来源完全意想不到朗文写作活用〔COMPLETELY〕It was a complete surprise - I didn't have any idea they were planning a party. 真是意想不到—我一点都不知道他们在计划一个聚会。朗文写作活用〔amazing〕This stain remover really works - it's amazing! 这种去污剂很有效——真想不到剑桥高阶〔bathos〕An abrupt, unintended transition in style from the exalted to the commonplace, producing a ludicrous effect.突降法:一种突然的,意外的变化,在文体上从庄严崇高降至平庸可笑,能产生一种意想不到的效果美国传统〔believe〕I can't believe how much better I feel.真想不到我觉得好多了。牛津高阶〔bottle〕I never thought she'd have the bottle to do it! 想不到她有胆量做这样的事!朗文当代〔breathe〕As I live and breathe, he's here again after 20 years! 真想不到,20年后他又在这儿了! 英汉大词典〔brew〕The children are brewing a pleasant surprise for their father's birthday.孩子们在暗中筹划,准备在父亲生日那天送他一件意想不到的好礼物。英汉大词典〔build〕You're a surprisingly strong swimmer for one of such a slight build .你这么瘦小的个子,想不到是游泳高手。朗文当代〔butt against〕Fancy butting against you here!真想不到会在这儿遇到你!21世纪英汉〔certainly〕So it was a surprise?—It certainly was!那么这是件意想不到的事?——一点儿不错!外研社新世纪〔chance〕An accidental or unpredictable event.偶然的事,意想不到的事美国传统〔chapter〕Their exploration to the primeval forest was quite a chapter of accidents.他们去原始森林探险,的确发生了一连串意想不到的事情。英汉大词典〔cheek〕I think they've got a cheek making you pay to park the car.我想不到他们居然有脸要你付停车费。牛津高阶〔come upon〕As they turned the corner, they came upon an unexpected scene.他们转过弯时看到了意想不到的一幕。韦氏高阶〔cushion〕He always likes a margin of an hour to provide a cushion if an unexpected problem turns up.他总是喜欢留出 1 小时的富余时间以防出现意想不到的问题。英汉大词典〔expectation〕Contrary to all expectations, she was accepted by the academy.意想不到的是,她竟然被学院录取了。剑桥高阶〔expect〕Good things sometimes happen when you least expect them.好事有时会在你最意想不到的时候发生。韦氏高阶〔extraordinary〕It's extraordinary that he managed to sleep through the party.真想不到他竟然从聚会开始一直睡到结束。牛津高阶〔extraordinary〕It's extraordinary that he should make exactly the same mistake again.真想不到他又犯了完全相同的错误。朗文当代〔failure〕Initial failure was followed by unexpected, if modest, success.最初的失败之后是意想不到的成功,即便并不辉煌。牛津搭配〔fancy〕Fancy! She's never been in a plane before.真想不到!她竟然从未坐过飞机。牛津高阶〔fink〕He was surprised that one of his cronies had gone fink on him.他想不到他的一个老朋友竟会告发他。英汉大词典〔flashback〕An unexpected recurrence of the effects of a hallucinogenic drug long after its original use.药效幻觉重现:致幻药使用很长时间后药效的意想不到的重现美国传统〔full〕Life's full of surprises, isn't it? 生活真是充满了意想不到的事,对吧?朗文当代〔gotcha〕The program has a few gotchas in store for unsuspecting computer users.这个程序会给毫无防备的电脑用户带来一些意想不到的问题。韦氏高阶〔guess〕Guess what! I won a trip to the Caribbean! 想不到吧!我赢得了去加勒比海旅行的大奖!麦克米伦高阶〔guess〕I'd never have guessed that they were married.我怎么也想不到他们结婚了。麦克米伦高阶〔guess〕Looking at her now you'd never guess she'd been so upset.看她现在的样子你怎么也想不到她曾经是多么伤心。麦克米伦高阶〔guess〕With a flower in his buttonhole, you'd never guess that he lives in a squat.他的纽扣孔别着花, 你绝对想不到他强占着别人的房子。外研社新世纪〔have〕I have a surprise for you.我要让你大吃一惊(或给你一个意想不到的礼物)。21世纪英汉〔hit〕We hit the enemy when they least expected it.我们在敌人最意想不到的时候发动了进攻。牛津高阶〔hypnotize〕Surprisingly, the ability to hypnotize yourself can be learnt in a single session.意想不到的是, 只用一节课就能掌握自我催眠的能力。外研社新世纪〔idea〕You have no idea how worried I was.你简直想不到我当时多么着急。朗文当代〔in spite of yourself〕I ended up having a good time in spite of myself.最后我意想不到地玩得很开心。韦氏高阶〔inclusion〕There were some surprising inclusions in the list.名单中包括一些意想不到的人。牛津高阶〔inconceivable〕It was inconceivable to me that Toby could have been my attacker.真想不到托比竟会是袭击我的人。柯林斯高阶〔kick〕Slang A sudden, striking surprise; a twist.【俚语】 意外发展:突然的、惊人的变化;意想不到的转折美国传统〔kindness〕This unexpected kindness touched her deeply.这意想不到的体贴深深打动了她。牛津搭配〔know〕I don't know how people could keep an animal in those conditions.我真想不到怎么会有人把动物养在那样的环境里。朗文当代〔know〕I don't know how you can say things like that.真想不到你怎么会说出这种话来。牛津高阶〔know〕I don't know how you can think that!我想不到你会那样想!外研社新世纪〔least〕It is quite amazing what turns up when you are least expecting it.事情偏偏就在你最意想不到的时候发生,真是很奇怪。朗文当代〔look〕To look at him you'd never think he was nearly fifty.看他的外表,谁也想不到他年近五十了。牛津高阶〔million〕I never dreamt in a million years that I'd reach the age of 60.我做梦也绝对想不到我能活到60岁。外研社新世纪〔pass〕Imagine passing up an offer like that! 真想不到居然放弃人家提供的大好机会!牛津高阶〔plan〕Plan ahead to avoid the pitfalls.提前计划好以防有意想不到的问题。外研社新世纪〔puncturable〕His unexpected failure punctured his self-importance.他的妄自尊大突然间因这次意想不到的失利而被损伤。21世纪英汉〔quarter〕Help came from an unexpected quarter.援助来自于一个意想不到的团体。柯林斯高阶〔raffle〕You can enter the raffle and win some amazing prizes.你可以参加抽彩,兴许能抽到些意想不到的奖品。牛津搭配〔research〕His researches in the field of disease prevention produced unexpected results.他在疾病预防领域的研究取得了意想不到的成果。剑桥高阶〔romp through〕He had romped through the maze of questions with unexpected ease.想不到他不费吹灰之力很快就解决了那些错综复杂的问题。柯林斯高阶〔rubdown〕To think that I should get a rubdown like this from the boss.想不到我竟会遭到老板这样的责骂。英汉大词典〔stump〕John is stumped by an unexpected question.一个意想不到的问题把约翰难住了。柯林斯高阶〔surprised〕I'm surprised at you, behaving like that in front of the kids.我真想不到,当着孩子们的面你竟做出这种举动。牛津高阶〔surprise〕He came back in as I was heading up to the shower. 'Surprise, surprise,' he said.我正要去淋浴时他回来了。“想不到吧,”他说。柯林斯高阶〔surprise〕Her arrival was a complete surprise.她的到来完全是意想不到的事。牛津同义词〔surprise〕I got you a little surprise for your birthday.我给你买了一件你意想不到的生日礼物。麦克米伦高阶〔surprise〕I have a surprise for you! 我要告诉你一件你意想不到的事!牛津高阶〔surprise〕It surprises me that you've never sung professionally.想不到你从来没搞过专业演唱。牛津高阶〔surprise〕Surprise, surprise! Look who's here! 想不到吧!看看这是谁!牛津高阶〔surprising〕Surprisingly, he agreed straight away.真想不到,他马上同意了。牛津高阶〔switcheroo〕An unexpected variation or reversal.突变,逆变:意想不到的变化或完全相反的结果美国传统〔that〕That he should betray me! 【文】真想不到他竟然背叛我!文馨英汉〔that〕That he should say such a thing!(真想不到)他竟会说出这种话来!21世纪英汉〔throw〕The unexpected question threw me.意想不到的问题难住了我。牛津同义词〔time〕I never thought it would happen in my time (= before I died).我怎么也想不到这会在我有生之年发生。剑桥高阶〔turnup〕It was quite a turnup for the book when I was offered the job.我被录用做这件工作实在是件意想不到的事。英汉大词典〔twist〕The movie has some unexpected twists.这部电影里有一些意想不到的曲折变化。牛津搭配〔undreamed of〕These two young men have enjoyed undreamed-of success with their first album.这两位小伙子第一张专辑就获得意想不到的成功。剑桥高阶〔undreamed of〕They have freedoms that were undreamed-of even ten years ago.他们现在所享有的自由哪怕在10年前都是做梦也想不到的。柯林斯高阶〔undreamed-of〕They have achieved undreamed-of success.他们获得了意想不到的成功。麦克米伦高阶〔unexpectedly〕Help may also come from some unexpected places.帮助也可能来自某些意想不到的地方。柯林斯高阶〔unexpected〕Help came from an unexpected quarter.帮助来自一个意想不到的人。麦克米伦高阶〔unexpected〕Help may also come from some unexpected places.帮助也可能会来自一些意想不到的地方。外研社新世纪〔unexpected〕The experiment produced some unexpected results.这次试验产生了一些意想不到的结果。朗文当代〔unintended consequences〕The proposed bill could have unintended consequences.这项议案可能会产生意想不到的后果。韦氏高阶〔wavelength〕My boss and I are just not on the same wavelength.我和老板就是想不到一块儿去。牛津搭配〔wheel〕Then the prosecution wheeled in a surprise witness.然后原告请出了一位意想不到的目击证人。朗文当代〔win〕Their win over the first place team was unexpected.他们赢了排名第一的球队,令人意想不到韦氏高阶〔you live and learn〕I had no idea they were related. Oh well, you live and learn.我一点都没想到他们之间还有联系。唉,真是想不到啊。剑桥高阶A whisky and soda at the end of the day will sometimes do wonders. 晚上喝杯威士忌搀苏打水有时会产生意想不到的效果。译典通A whisky and soda at the end of the day will sometimes work wonders. 晚上喝杯威士忌搀苏打水有时会产生意想不到的效果。译典通Fancy (him) saying that to you of all people (= how surprising that he should do that)! 想不到竟会是他跟你这样说!剑桥国际He hadn't the wit (= wits) to ask for professional advice before starting the business.他在开始做生意之前想不到去征求专业人员的意见。剑桥国际His meddling produced some unexpected results.他的爱管闲事导致了一些意想不到的结果。剑桥国际I wouldn't dream of attributing such a lack of judgment to you.我做梦也想不到你会如此缺乏判断力。剑桥国际I'd never have thought he was gone 60--he looks amazingly young for his age.我想不到他已60多了----他看上去年轻很多。剑桥国际It was the latest twist in this long-running saga of fraud and scandal.这是持续长时间的欺诈和丑闻的最新的意想不到的变化。剑桥国际Our exploration to the primeval forest was quite a chapter of accidents. 我们去原始森林探险,的确发生了一连串意想不到的事情。译典通She earned wealth beyond the dreams of avarice (=an extremely large amount of money) from her business empire.她在商业帝国里获得了意想不到的大笔财富。剑桥国际Such a thing was undreamed of. 这件事是做梦也想不到的。译典通The minister's unexpected statement smacked of desperation.部长意想不到的声明意味着绝望。剑桥国际The revelation that he was her father astonished her. 他就是她父亲,这一意想不到的真相使她大为震惊。译典通The road to the conquest of cancer is long and full of pitfalls. 战胜癌症的征途是漫长的,而且布满意想不到的困难。译典通The storm turned out to be one of unexpected violence (= force).那次暴风雨居然变得意想不到地强烈。剑桥国际The success of her book has given her unexpected celebrity status.她的书的成功带给了她意想不到的名人身份。剑桥国际These two lads from a remote village in Norway have enjoyed undreamed of success with their first album.这两个来自挪威一个遥远山村青年的第一张专辑获得了梦想不到的成功。剑桥国际You are punctual for a wonder. 你居然准时到,真让人想不到译典通

