
单词 transactions
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔BUSINESS〕Most transactions are processed by computer at our Head Office. 大部分交易都是由我们总部的电脑处理的。朗文写作活用〔DEAL WITH〕Computers have given banks the power to process millions of transactions a day. 有了电脑,银行一天能处理数百万笔交易。朗文写作活用〔MONEY〕He developed computer software to handle complicated financial transactions. 他开发的电脑软件专门用来处理复杂的金融交易。朗文写作活用〔MUST/DON'T HAVE TO〕Companies are legally required to keep records of all their financial transactions. 法律规定公司必须保存其所有金融交易的记录。朗文写作活用〔account〕A formal banking, brokerage, or business relationship established to provide for regular services, dealings, and other financial transactions.帐户:为提供定期的服务,交易,和其他金融活动而建立的正式银行业务, 经纪业或商业关系美国传统〔account〕A precise list or enumeration of financial transactions.帐:关于经济活动的确切清单或数据美国传统〔act〕A formal written record of proceedings or transactions.备忘录,会议记录:备忘录或会议记录的正式书面记录美国传统〔barter〕Overall, barter is a very inefficient means of organizing transactions.总之,易货贸易是一种效率很低的交易形式。柯林斯高阶〔barter〕Overall, barter is a very inefficient means of organizing transactions.总的来说, 物物交换是一种十分低效的交易方式。外研社新世纪〔batch-process〕This bank has a computer which can batch-process up to one hundred thousand transactions a week.这家银行有一台计算机,一周处理业务量达10万项。21世纪英汉〔black economy〕A sizable hidden segment of a country's economy that operates on numerous unreported private cash transactions.黑色经济,非法经营:国家经济中相当数量被隐藏的部分,以未被告发的私人现金交易而进行美国传统〔bookkeeping〕The practice or profession of recording the accounts and transactions of a business.登录帐目:登录商业帐目或交易的活动或职业美国传统〔book〕A volume in which financial or business transactions are recorded.簿册:记录金融或商业交易的册子美国传统〔care〕As a matter of prudence, keep a record of all your financial transactions.为慎重起见,请记下你所有的财务往来。牛津高阶〔cash register〕A machine that tabulates the amount of sales transactions, makes a permanent and cumulative record of them, and has a drawer in which cash can be kept.收银机:把交易额列表显示出来,并做成一个永久性和累加记录的机器,其内部有一个保存现金的抽屉美国传统〔cashier〕A store employee who handles cash transactions with customers.店员:处理与顾客现金交易的商店雇员美国传统〔charge〕All transactions have been charged to your account.所有交易都记在你的账户上了。柯林斯高阶〔charge〕All transactions have been charged to your account.所有的交易费用都记到了你的账上。外研社新世纪〔charge〕The bank charges a commission on all foreign currency transactions.银行对所有的外汇交易收取手续费。牛津搭配〔court〕Court documents showing illegal transactions were released to the press.表明非法交易的法庭文件向新闻界公布了。牛津搭配〔currency〕US dollars are considered common currency in international transactions.美元被视为国际交易的通用货币。牛津搭配〔daybook〕A book in which daily transactions are recorded.流水帐:记录每日交易的本子美国传统〔exchange〕Economics is also concerned with exchange transactions and with wealth accumulation and distribution.经济学也关注外汇交易以及财富的积累和分配。外研社新世纪〔explosively〕These transactions grew explosively in the early 1980s.这类交易在20世纪80年代早期迅猛增加。外研社新世纪〔explosively〕These transactions grew explosively in the early 1980s.这类交易在20世纪80年代早期迅猛增加。柯林斯高阶〔high finance〕Financial transactions or institutions that are extensive in size or scope.巨额融资:在规模和范围上巨大的金融交易或金融机构美国传统〔journal〕A book of original entry in a double-entry system, listing all transactions and indicating the accounts to which they belong.分录簿:复式簿记系统中登载原始账目的账本,记录下所有的交易,并表示出它们所归的专项分类帐美国传统〔keep〕We keep all these transactions on file.所有这些交易我们都存了档。麦克米伦高阶〔ledger〕A book in which the monetary transactions of a business are posted in the form of debits and credits.分类帐:将业务中的货币交易记录下来的帐本,分借方和贷方美国传统〔levy〕They levied religious taxes on Christian commercial transactions.他们对基督徒的商业交易征收宗教税。柯林斯高阶〔levy〕They levied religious taxes on Christian commercial transactions.他们对基督教商业交易开征宗教税。外研社新世纪〔margin〕An amount in money, or represented by securities, deposited by a customer with a broker as a provision against loss on transactions made on account.交易保证金:由客户付给经纪人的一笔钱或一定数目的证券,作为防止在帐面交易时发生损失的经费美国传统〔pyramidal〕There were complex pyramidal transactions among securities broker-dealers.证券交易人之间进行着非常复杂的金字塔式交易。外研社新世纪〔pyramid〕The transactions involved in pyramiding stock.金字塔进式方式经营股票的交易美国传统〔pyramid〕To speculate in (stock) by making a series of buying and selling transactions in which paper profits are used as margin for buying more stock.使用:通过一系列的买进和卖出的交易,在这里证券利润被用做买进更多股票的保证金,而进行(股票)投机美国传统〔report〕A formal account of the proceedings or transactions of a group.正式记录:某一团体的程序或交易的正式陈述美国传统〔ride〕He had no experience in such transactions, and they took him for a ride.他对这种买卖全无经验,所以他们就占了他的便宜。英汉大词典〔secure〕Companies can offer secure credit card transactions over the internet.公司可以提供安全的网上信用卡交易。朗文当代〔self-liquidating〕Involving goods convertible into cash in a short time. Used of business transactions.可迅速变现的:能使货物在短期内变为现款的用于商业交易中美国传统〔signature〕The law recognizes a digital signature for online transactions.法律认可在线交易时数字签名有效。牛津搭配〔speculation〕Engagement in risky business transactions on the chance of quick or considerable profit.投机:从事冒险性商业交易以期获得快速或大量的利润美国传统〔teller〕A machine, as in a bank, that automatically conducts personal financial transactions in response to a client's use of a coded card.银行柜员机:银行使用的能对委托人持用的有密码的卡片作出反应并自动进行个人财产交易的机器美国传统〔transaction〕Electronic banking may make over-the-counter transactions obsolete.电子银行服务也许会淘汰场外交易。牛津搭配〔transaction〕Investors feel the company is entering into too many risky transactions.投资者们觉得该公司正在参与过多的风险交易。麦克米伦高阶〔transaction〕She had been involved in several suspicious transactions.她已参与了几宗可疑的交易。麦克米伦高阶〔transaction〕The president had entered into fraudulent property transactions.总裁参与了欺诈性的房地产交易。牛津搭配〔transaction〕The system records all transactions between the company and its suppliers.这一系统记录公司与供应商之间的所有交易。牛津搭配CHIPS handles about 240 000 transactions a day.美国纽约票据交换所银行间支付系统每天处理大约 24 万笔交易。牛津商务Resales account for about 80% of property transactions.房产交易中约 80% 为转售。牛津商务Some stock is difficult to borrow for short-selling transactions.某些股票很难借来用于卖空交易。牛津商务The effects of transactions can be recognized on a cash basis (= when money is paid or received).交易的结果可以在收付实现制基础上加以确认。牛津商务The effects of transactions can be recognized on an accruals basis (when the transactions take place), or on a cash basis (when money is paid or received).交易结果可以按权责发生制或现金制加以确定。牛津商务The new software has reduced response time to less than 8 seconds for most transactions.新软件将大部分交易的反应时间缩短到 8 秒以内。牛津商务

