“to hunt for”例句

单词 to hunt for
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔bargain〕She likes to hunt for bargains when she shops.她购物时就喜欢淘便宜货。韦氏高阶〔clam〕To hunt for clams.拾蛤美国传统〔disburse〕Policemen were disbursed throughout the city to hunt for the escaped criminal.警察遍布全城追捕逃犯。英汉大词典〔hunt〕The FBI were called in to hunt for the spy.联邦调查局的人员被召来搜捕间谍。朗文当代〔hunt〕We went to the mall to hunt for bargains.我们去购物中心淘打折商品。韦氏高阶〔nest〕To hunt for birds' nests, especially in order to collect the eggs.猎取鸟窝:寻找鸟窝,尤其是为了收集鸟蛋美国传统〔parent〕Parent birds began to hunt for food for their young.亲鸟开始为幼鸟寻找食物。柯林斯高阶〔parent〕Parent birds began to hunt for food for their young.亲鸟开始为幼鸟觅食。外研社新世纪〔rat〕To hunt for or catch rats, especially with the aid of dogs.捕鼠:寻找或猎捕老鼠,特指用狗猎捕美国传统〔turtle〕To hunt for turtles, especially as an occupation.捕海龟、捕鳖,尤指作为一种职业美国传统All the people in the area turned out to hunt for the missing child.这个地区所有的人都出来寻找失踪的孩子。剑桥国际Bats sleep in the daytime and come out to hunt for food at night. 蝙蝠白天睡觉,夜里才出来寻觅食物。译典通John set out that day to hunt for work. 约翰那天外出找工作。译典通

