
单词 五大
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔Baffin Island〕An island of northeast Northwest Territories, Canada, west of Greenland. It is the fifth-largest island in the world.巴芬岛:加拿大西北地区东北部的一个岛屿,位于格陵兰岛西部,是世界第五大岛屿美国传统〔IMPRESS〕The show took place outside the imposing Central Library building on Fifth Avenue. 这场表演在位于第五大街上雄伟的中央图书馆大楼的外面举行。朗文写作活用〔LOOK〕We didn't have any money but we enjoyed window-shopping in Fifth Avenue. 我们没有钱,但是也喜欢到第五大街逛逛。朗文写作活用〔NEAR〕It's no distance from here to Fifth Avenue. We can easily walk it. 这儿离第五大街不远,走路很容易就到。朗文写作活用〔ROAD/PATH〕New York's 5th Avenue 纽约市第五大朗文写作活用〔accountancy〕She works for the fifth largest accountancy firm in the world.她就职于世界第五大会计公司。外研社新世纪〔arid〕Water from the Great Lakes is pumped to arid regions .五大湖中的水被输往干旱地区。朗文当代〔ave.〕Fifth Ave.第五大牛津高阶〔avenue〕Fifth Avenue 第五大朗文当代〔clearly〕He walked up Fifth Avenue to clear his head.他沿着第五大道走了走,好让大脑清醒清醒。柯林斯高阶〔clear〕He walked up Fifth Avenue to clear his head.他沿着第五大道向前走, 好让头脑清醒一下。外研社新世纪〔corner〕The hotel is on the corner of 5th and Maine.这家旅馆位于第五大街和缅因街的拐角处。朗文当代〔drain〕The St. Lawrence drains the Great Lakes.五大湖的水流入圣劳伦斯河。英汉大词典〔drain〕The St. Lawrence drains the Great Lakes.圣劳伦斯河容纳五大湖的水。(或:五大湖的水流入圣劳伦斯河。)21世纪英汉〔dress〕In many offices, people dress down on Fridays.在许多办公室里星期五大家就穿得随便了。朗文当代〔enchant〕The book enchants the readers of five continents.五大洲的读者都迷上了这部书。英汉大词典〔exhibition〕Five large pieces of the wall are currently on exhibition in London.这堵墙的五大碎块目前正在伦敦展出。外研社新世纪〔gross〕She's not just fat, she's positively gross! 她不只是胖,她简直是五大三粗!牛津高阶〔gyre〕The area is one of the world’s five major ocean gyres – huge systems of rotating currents. 这一区域是世界上五大海洋环流之一:巨大的海水旋转流动系统。剑桥高阶〔lake effect〕The effect of any lake, especially the Great Lakes, in modifying the weather in nearby areas.大湖效应:任何湖泊对附近地区气候的影响,尤指五大美国传统〔mackinaw〕Nautical A flat-bottomed boat with a pointed bow and square stern, once used on the upper Great Lakes.【航海】 麦基诺舟:一种头尖而侧方的平底船,曾用于五大湖区上游美国传统〔mnemonic〕HOMES is used as a mnemonic for the names of the Great Lakes: Huron, Ontario, Michigan, Erie, and Superior.助记符号HOMES可用来帮助记住北美洲五大湖的名字,即休伦湖、安大略湖、密歇根湖、伊利湖和苏必利尔湖。韦氏高阶〔name〕The Huron people gave their name to one of the Great Lakes.休伦人以自己的名字命名五大湖中的一个湖。牛津搭配〔on〕Bergdorf Goodman has opened a men's store on Fifth Avenue.波道夫·古德曼在第五大道上开了一家男装店。柯林斯高阶〔originator〕Mortgage Choice is the largest mortgage originator after the Big 5 banks.抵押选择公司是除五大银行之外最大的抵押贷款发起人。外研社新世纪〔outer planet〕Any of the five planets, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto, with orbits outside that of Mars.外行星:五大行星木星、土星、天王星、海王星、冥王星的任一个,远行轨道在火星轨道以外美国传统〔parade〕The Saint Patrick's Day marchers paraded up Fifth Avenue, past the cathedral.在圣帕特里克节那天,游行者一路经过第五大道,路过大教堂。剑桥高阶〔penthouse〕The penthouse apartment on Fifth Avenue was owned by the company.第五大街的顶层公寓以前归这家公司所有。外研社新世纪〔short〕He was a big strapping guy but short on brains.他五大三粗,但头脑简单。牛津高阶〔stout〕He was tall and stoutly built.他长得五大三粗的。牛津高阶〔swagger〕The burly brute swaggered forward, towering over me, and shouted.五大三粗的恶汉趾高气扬地走过来,居高临下地对我咆哮着。柯林斯高阶〔swagger〕The burly brute swaggered forward, towering over me, and shouted.这个五大三粗的恶汉趾高气扬地走过来, 铁塔似的杵在我面前, 冲着我咆哮。外研社新世纪〔window〕The windows along 5th Avenue were all decorated for Christmas.第五大道沿街的橱窗全部装饰一新迎接圣诞节。韦氏高阶Everyone packs up early on Fridays.星期五大家早早地收工。剑桥国际

